...well now for the big update....hmmm.. riding home last night ,I'm doing like 45 up N5th st. ,when some asshole in a car decides it's a great idea to pull right out in front of yours truly from a parking space with no fucking lights on...I barely had time to think and to try not to lock up the front wheel, but 320mm Brembos have a lotta grip and I did lock it up....which anyone who rides will tell you = dumping the bike.....which i did with a complete lack of grace and style... landing squarley on my chest and knees, thank god for ballistic nylon!...my knee looks like hamburger thought and is pretty swollen... and about 800 clams in damage to my girl.... ...oh well I can fix that soon enough, guess i'm lucky not to be
oh my gosh!!! thank gosh you're all right.....