god, sothe stylist who cut my hair two weeks ago told me a specific way that i should do it for best results and flexibility. she sells me this tube of TIGI hairwax and says that if it doesn't work like she said, i can return it.
TRACY, hyperactive hairgoddess: and yeah, but keep trying for like, 2 weeks, cuz your cowlicks are super stubborn, and it's gonna take a while for your hair to get used to using product.
ME, frightened consumer bunny: and if it doesn't?
TRACY: you can call me, or come see me, and if we decide the product isn't right, then you can bring it back.
ME: really?
so i go home with this stuff and loads of advice on how to use it. i use it for two weeks to no effect. the thing is, i've never been a "product" kind of girl, unless you count manic panic and N'Rage. otherwise, i've never owned a curling iron that i didn't eventually give to my mom. i have a blow dryer that i only use on special occasions. and so i was at a total loss as to how to make my hair accept "product".
yesterday, the 14th day, i do my hair, thinking to myself, if it doesn't work this time, i'm calling Tracy out, dammit. and it was looking like hell as usual, so in frustration i shook my head.
BAM! it was perfect.
it just all came together, looking great, and soft and cute, and shapely and bouncy. i mean, if i had only had this hair in highschool...
so naturally, as girls are wont to do when they find a flattering feature, i played with my hair all night. i pinned it this way, or that way, and rumpled it and then shook it out. it was like some weird magical spell... Chi kept looking over at me and smiling and telling me i looked really good.
anywho, the upshot is, i intend to upload pics tonight. ::grin:: happy good hairday to me!
TRACY, hyperactive hairgoddess: and yeah, but keep trying for like, 2 weeks, cuz your cowlicks are super stubborn, and it's gonna take a while for your hair to get used to using product.
ME, frightened consumer bunny: and if it doesn't?
TRACY: you can call me, or come see me, and if we decide the product isn't right, then you can bring it back.
ME: really?
so i go home with this stuff and loads of advice on how to use it. i use it for two weeks to no effect. the thing is, i've never been a "product" kind of girl, unless you count manic panic and N'Rage. otherwise, i've never owned a curling iron that i didn't eventually give to my mom. i have a blow dryer that i only use on special occasions. and so i was at a total loss as to how to make my hair accept "product".
yesterday, the 14th day, i do my hair, thinking to myself, if it doesn't work this time, i'm calling Tracy out, dammit. and it was looking like hell as usual, so in frustration i shook my head.
BAM! it was perfect.
it just all came together, looking great, and soft and cute, and shapely and bouncy. i mean, if i had only had this hair in highschool...
so naturally, as girls are wont to do when they find a flattering feature, i played with my hair all night. i pinned it this way, or that way, and rumpled it and then shook it out. it was like some weird magical spell... Chi kept looking over at me and smiling and telling me i looked really good.
anywho, the upshot is, i intend to upload pics tonight. ::grin:: happy good hairday to me!
lol I think Gambit is hotter than Cyke and Wolvie combined...why isn't he in the movie, dammit? 

Gambit rocks. I was disappointed he's not in the movie.