More snow this afternoon! People who can't drive in the snow need to stay at home!!! One of you fuckheads nearly killed me today. I know I should be more understanding due to the fact that Philly never gets much snow, but I grew up in Chicago so I'm used to having a hell of a lot more snow than this.

So at 10:30 tonight,...
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Thanks for the good thoughts.

You should move to SF. It rocks. No snow, and lots of public transit for when it rains....

ETA: I wore shorts yesterday, and jeans and a sweatshirt today. tongue

[Edited on Jan 24, 2005 11:51PM]
I woke up this morning and thought I was back in Chicago when I saw all the snow! It snowed all day yesterday and again last night. We got stuck in it on the way back from the computer show, philadelphia people do not know what to do in snow! Everybody was doing like 10 mph on the fucking turnpike and causing accidents.

So I...
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I ♥ that you are so much more computer savvy than I am. I need to add some RAM to my iBook, but I'm too lazy. I can barely use an etch-a-sketch, so I don't really know why I think I should come near a computer.

You think Philly is bad with snow? Try Califonia in the rain. It's like people become insane. They think "Wow, what dangerous conditions. I know, I'll drive much faster so I'm not stuck in these bad conditions as long...." and then they proceed to drive 90mph through standing water!!!! Retarded! Luckily, it's about 70 degrees and sunny today. We had some really bad accidents a couple of weeks ago when it was raining so hard.

Just because!!! kiss
Had a great day today and it just keeps getting better. This morning while swapping hard drives on my main computer, I discovered a backup of a clients machine that I hadn't erased from my server and it had about 13 gigs of music on it! Good stuff too! There was about 2 gigs of great blues stuff that I would have spent years trying...
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It's snowing, the roads suck, and I still need to shovel the driveway. Looks like I'm not going anywhere today though.. I was supposed to head to NYC tonight, but that's not happening due to another client in need of emergency service. So now the question is what to do with my unexpected day off. Sleeping through it is looking pretty good right about now.....
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I think you should watch movies, snack, and nap. That's what I'm doing today (although I will be seeing the movie in a theatre).
I really hate Mondays! Monday is my office day, which means I have to do all that paperwork that I hate so much.. Today is a particularly shitty monday because I have to cut checks to my employees and pay some bills, but I DONT HAVE ANY FUCKING CHECKS LEFT! My new ones won't get here till tomorrow afternoon... I can pay all the bills...
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thanks for the set comment/compliment.... wink love
I didn't get to sleep till noon! Damn phone was ringing like crazy this morning. It's looking like I have to go to work today... well, sorta.. I have a client who wants to hire me as a consultant for her new Ecommerce site and she insists that we meet today. I'm nowhere near ready enough for this, especially considering I'm on my first cup...
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thanks for the comment on my set. i'm glad you enjoyed it

-ape kiss
Well if we get abut 500 people to stump up a grand each we could probably afford one. Only problem would be each one of us would only get to drive it for a day every 18 months. frown
I'm so fucking tired I want to hibernate for a week. I'm taking the weekend off and sleeping till noon every day.
sleep's good smile
I really need to stop taking naps at 11PM! I just woke up a little while ago, this is not cool...

Today is going to be a long day, but in a good way. I do have a little bit of work to do this morning, but I'm taking the rest of the day off. My friend from LA is coming to visit for a...
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Happy Sobriety!!!!
Trying to quit smoking when you're really stressed out fucking blows! I have somehow managed to cut down to about half a pack a day for the last week or so, but I just can't seem to go without them completely.I have reached the point where I'm disgusted with the smell of them in my house, so I try not to ever smoke in the...
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yeah, I've had cd's stolen that are indie or imports, or even local bands that I can't replace. bummer frown
thank you for the happy birthday
Damn! It's 7AM and I haven't gone to bed yet.. I've been up working on all kinds of paperwork, a new section of my website, and of course occaisionaly popping in at SG. Now I'm actualy caught up with everything and I can't sleep if I wanted to.. I hate when this happens! Too much coffee or something...

I've got my vacation all planned out...
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You know one person in SF.... me! Don't worry, I'll drag you all over my fair city. Maybe I'll force you to meet some SGSFers and drink with us! wink
I had a very long day yesterday. The highlight of which, was my meeting with the new client. Turns out I dyed my hair one color for nothing! I get there and she's totaly cool! Met her and the boyfriend, very nice people. No check for me though... She made a few changes to the project, so I get to spend the next 5 hours...
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Today has gotten off to a rather slow start... I'm supposed to be meeting with a client I've been chasing since early October and I'm pretty nervous about it. I actually got my hair cut last night and dyed it all one color! It's kinda like this... when you have hair like I used to, clients will either think damn he's good! if he can...
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Yay for the new picture! This one's cuter!

I'm crossing my fingers for you to get the job!