I'm really tempted to just go back to bed before this day gets any worse.. It took me almost 2 hours to get home today after one of the most miserable days of work I've ever had. Murphy was definitely riding along with me today because EVERYTHING has gone wrong! I've taken shit from just about every possible direction today! So yes.. I think I...
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What a nice day! Too bad I spent most of it inside at the client's house.. I did get to wander around south street for a bit though. I also got a free dinner @ the pontiac grille since my friend works there. I'm about to slip into a food coma for the next couple hours so I can stay up all night and work...
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You are a sweetheart! It was good running into you today, even though we both got all shylike.
*blush* thanx btw
There was 3 inches of water on my basement floor today! The sump pump was not plugged in for some reason and with all this rain... well.. you get the idea.. This basement needs to be re-cemented really bad. There was water coming through the floor and out of little holes in the lower part of the walls. So after spending the morning doing flood...
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i hate rainy sunday mornings... because there is already nothing to do on sundays, and then you cant even go outside when it rains.. sigh.. hope your sunday didn't suck too much.
Well, things are looking a little better today. I got a new client last night who I will be meeting with this week. The problem with meeting the new clients is that I end up having to get a hair cut and dye it one color that somewhat resembles natural hair! My current clients don't seem to care, but the new ones can be a...
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But no..are you sure? Doesn't my ass look big in that sofa?

I can't really answear that. I haven't shot a new one, but I hope I will soon. It's really fun doing it

I can't really answear that. I haven't shot a new one, but I hope I will soon. It's really fun doing it

Just when I thought it wouldn't get any worse... IT FUCKING DID! I am about to have no insurance! They called me 15 minutes ago to tell me that I needed to give them $1,300.00 TODAY or they were dropping me. I have major health problems, so if they drop me I'm screwed.. Needless to say as a result of clients not paying me on...
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Do you realize that all this time I didn't even notice you were from Philly? Ha!
I work on South St! Heh. I am looking to move out of my apartment and elsewhere in the city. But the place that I love, the girl that I want to room with is not super keen on the location. So I don't know what I'm doing yet.
I really wish I would have stayed in bed today! This day just keeps on getting worse! It's one of those days where anything that can possibly go wrong has gone wrong.. Apparently certain clients think that it's acceptable to have me do thousands of dollars of work for them and not pay me for over 2 months! This wouldn't be so bad except for...
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Pics from my mini-vacation
I just got home from North Carolina. I wish I could have stayed for the rest of the week! I went to Wilmington NC and stayed at the Hilton right on the Cape Fear river. It was a cool little town, way too much to see in one weekend! I'm going through pictures right now, so when I'm done I'll upload some. All I can...
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Where is that window pic from?
Welcome back!
[Edited on Mar 28, 2005 10:34AM]
Welcome back!

[Edited on Mar 28, 2005 10:34AM]
Where were you when you took the pics? You must of gone somewhere way better then where I'm at!
must get sleep
sleep is good but domt drown your mind in it!

Sleep is for the weak!
[Edited on Mar 27, 2005 2:32PM]

[Edited on Mar 27, 2005 2:32PM]
Yay for new business!

It feels really strange waking up before 8AM... Even more strange that I went to bed before 5AM... Yesterday was mentaly exhausting and I'm just glad it's over. I've decided I need to find a new cofee shop or start buying good coffee for the house again because my ex works at the one down the street.. I really wish she and I could have...
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thank you
take your time finding the words
go to NY!!!!! thats where im goin i think. its so so so too fantastic there

take your time finding the words

go to NY!!!!! thats where im goin i think. its so so so too fantastic there

That's cool!
Well, I can see that. You need to spoil yourself sometimes though.
I haven't bought any yet...I think I have to go to the bank and talk to them. I don't have a mastercard or visa and they have this quick one time card thing via internet, but I din't get it to work, so I guess I'll have to ask them about it.
Well, I can see that. You need to spoil yourself sometimes though.

I haven't bought any yet...I think I have to go to the bank and talk to them. I don't have a mastercard or visa and they have this quick one time card thing via internet, but I din't get it to work, so I guess I'll have to ask them about it.
I've just spent the last 3 hours or so cleaning out the attic which squirrels have decided to make their home.. They've torn their way through all the insulation, most of the books and boxes, and there is squirrel shit everywhere! They have been there for nearly a year now, but I couldn't bring myself to use poison or anything else that might harm them.....
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heheh...do you know how funny it is that you have "squirrels in your attic?" My grandma used to say that to me when she thought I was being silly or stupid.
I mean, not to say that it's funny that you have to fix all that damage and stuff...but...
I'm glad you liked the new painting. It took me forever.
I actually saw that movie SAW before I put it on my list, but I liked it so much that I just had to have it!!!!!!
I mean, not to say that it's funny that you have to fix all that damage and stuff...but...
I'm glad you liked the new painting. It took me forever.
I actually saw that movie SAW before I put it on my list, but I liked it so much that I just had to have it!!!!!!