Spoiler alert! No. No, it wont.

So I m tried to make my first green smoothie today. And I think I learned quite a few things while doing so! That was the process:

Step 1

I prepared the kale and one Granny Smith apple to get steamed! For the kale, it's just to blanch it. (There is no way I could use the whole thing
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Yay! Home! May the chaos of stocktaking be gone for the next 12 months. And more important: after freezing I'm in my comfy clothes with a nice cup of chocolate chai with milk and honey. Also: awesome cup is awesome. XD

hahaha care bears ^^
@norte @caraphernelia  Care bears are dope! Got that mug from a good friend of mine and love it to death. XD Apparently, I share some similarities with Grumpy Bear. <3

Almost 10pm, still waiting for the bus to get home from work... I'm really looking forward for some tea when I get home. But I like the feeling of getting a little bit numb... there is this special chill after-rain-air, so fresh and clear.


Finally moved my lazy ass to the gym today. I reallyreallyreally need to do that more often, before my belly does some serious Jabba the Hutt cosplay.

And I also started a bit yoga. Nothing serious, just messing around with some YouTube-instruction videos, but I enjoy it a lot! Maybe I join a class or something. Might even help with my bad body-connection. And everything...
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glad to hear you are doing something for yourself.   I think it is important to do stuff just for us, even if it is only trying to keep the belly in check.   Mind got away from me years ago.
If only I wasn't so terrible lazy. XD  Afterwards I always feel great, but moving my ass in the first place is haaarrrrrrd.   Minds are having s life on their own, I think... Like a guy you were friends with long ago and he still comes crashing down at your place, although you moved on in a total different direction. But he just won't take any hint!

It's Eurovision Songcontest-Time again! Love the outfits and different stage shows. Too bad the music is always so terrible. XD

But nothing alcohol can't fix! Seriously! It's getting better and better by the minute! When Austria is on, I'll probably sing along. Really loud. And really wrong.


It's president election day here in Austria today. And it is a day to be ashamed of being part of this country.

The candidate of the faaaar right party is leading with an alarming big margin.

Chances are, there will be a second ballot which he might lose, but still... disgusting.

@brickman Scary? Me? Naaaah. XD  And yeah, you are absolutely right. But it seems like those kind of people are not aktive in politics anymore. Sadly, there seems to be no place for visions and idealism anymore.
It is all about power and doing or saying anything I have to to get elected.   pretty sad when you think about it.
I'm so happy your business is starting to stand on it's own feet! Must feel good to have a little bit of security back, without havin to rely on your savings. Also, your "holiday"-plan sound just... just awesome! 25 years... daaaayuuuum, that's a long time! I really hope one or two pictures of the ceremony will end up here. And all the best to your wife and a quick recovery!
For me, life has been pretty much the same. Lot's of work and days that seem to have less and less hours. But we finally moved to our new apartment, which is totally awesome! But also freakin' expensive, because we didn't take any of our old furniture with us. On the other hand, I have some space for my own nerdy stuff, so it's starting to feel much more like home!

During the last weeks, the main shopping street here in Linz was overrun with groups from different signature campaigns. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with them - and yes, I really DO think some of them are extremely meaningful - there is one thing that really bothers me.

Usually, I walk with my headphones on pretty much everywhere I go, simply to block out...
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@pugsie Thank you, but it is really hard for me to let these things not get to me. I always try to be strong as an individual, but when the world keeps on letting you know how little you are worth, it's hard to keep a strong barricade up. Especially since I always was one to like to believe in other people, but as soon as I open the door just a little bit, the world has the tendency to kick open the door and take a dump on my emotional carpet.
You have friends here brother.  No judgement, no mistreatment, no emotional savagery. 

Thanks for the idea, @rambo and @missy !

I don't have much photos around here (to be honest, there aren't that many to begin with, because obviously I'm still me and always was like eeeewww to myself), but I dug up a few.

Me, waaaay back with my little fluffball El Capitan.

And BAM, years later, with 18 years. Older, but probably still a few
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oh another gothic adolescence... I think I should do this bloghomework too))
@anoukevil   Yeah, and never really left it behind! :D  You should definitely do it too! It's kind of fun to look back once in a while and look at the changes you went through.

First post, already a complaint? Well, not exactly, because this isn't my first post. Not by a far stretch. But my old account was locked. Permanently. Which sucks a lot.

And for all I know, it's all because of a major fuck-up, either on SGs-side or my bank. I received a good-bye-message via e-mail, telling me, that I will be missed and they are sorry,...
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@betel Yeah, it sure is. :/ I couldn't tell you who it was, it all went through customer service. I think the real frustrating thing is (but then again, this might be all because of an automated system) that I was member for over three years without any problem and SG couldn't just send a simple message like "Hey, look, there is an issue with one of your payments, could you double-check that?".  >_<
That would be a grand day indeed.   I look forward to it.