i'm so content right now.
i had the best orange pekoe tea earlier, and yummy pad thai.
then i curled up and read some of the latest harry potter, and then took a really long and cleansing shower.
i went out dancing on thursday, and had a blast completely ignoring things around me and letting my being meld with the music.
friday, i found out i aced the language and the mind test i was worried about. this is especially pleasing, as i skipped many of the classes the first few weeks, the notes i printed out for the class were all messed up, and i didn't study until the morning of the test. also, have any of you ever taken a linguistics class? learning the symbols is pretty damn hard. go me. i still managed to get 10 percentage points above the class average, despite my laziness. who rocks the house? ME.
then, i went and saw underworld, which was decent until the ending. who knew hulk was in the movie?
oh. have i mentioned that my boyfriend is really hot and amazing?
yup. he is. there you go.
i love him with a fire-like burning that i can feel through even to my fingertips.
if my gushing annoys you, you can EAT ME.
i had the best orange pekoe tea earlier, and yummy pad thai.
then i curled up and read some of the latest harry potter, and then took a really long and cleansing shower.
i went out dancing on thursday, and had a blast completely ignoring things around me and letting my being meld with the music.
friday, i found out i aced the language and the mind test i was worried about. this is especially pleasing, as i skipped many of the classes the first few weeks, the notes i printed out for the class were all messed up, and i didn't study until the morning of the test. also, have any of you ever taken a linguistics class? learning the symbols is pretty damn hard. go me. i still managed to get 10 percentage points above the class average, despite my laziness. who rocks the house? ME.
then, i went and saw underworld, which was decent until the ending. who knew hulk was in the movie?

oh. have i mentioned that my boyfriend is really hot and amazing?
yup. he is. there you go.
i love him with a fire-like burning that i can feel through even to my fingertips.
if my gushing annoys you, you can EAT ME.

When you say eat me and show the pig smiley, I think of bacon. Mmmmmmmmmm.