Welcome to stress.
Poulation: MOI.
It was my roommate's birthday this week. We had big plans to dance at New City last night, but we both ended up wearing long johns and studying.
I went for a nap and stayed for 14 hours (partly because I had no sleep the previous evening).
It seems I also missed out on the SG Victoria party... partly because I'm in Edmonton. Boo-urns. I'll be back on Dec 20th, so you SGVic kids watch out! There will be good debaucherous times to b had by all.
Today, I need to work on my scale model. I'm intimidated, to be honest (my Daddy is a set designer... and I want to be a talented amateur).
Wednesday is my art history midterm. I'm bloody sick of early Christian art and enthroned Madonnas.
The boy? No real news is good news, I suppose. No date this weekend, but I have been promised one next weekend. To be honest, I'd be much happier if he either kissed or slapped me. But I'm kind of obtuse that way.
PS. That's right, I'm available for *online flirting*. Gah, dating in general scares me.
Poulation: MOI.
It was my roommate's birthday this week. We had big plans to dance at New City last night, but we both ended up wearing long johns and studying.

It seems I also missed out on the SG Victoria party... partly because I'm in Edmonton. Boo-urns. I'll be back on Dec 20th, so you SGVic kids watch out! There will be good debaucherous times to b had by all.
Today, I need to work on my scale model. I'm intimidated, to be honest (my Daddy is a set designer... and I want to be a talented amateur).
Wednesday is my art history midterm. I'm bloody sick of early Christian art and enthroned Madonnas.
The boy? No real news is good news, I suppose. No date this weekend, but I have been promised one next weekend. To be honest, I'd be much happier if he either kissed or slapped me. But I'm kind of obtuse that way.
PS. That's right, I'm available for *online flirting*. Gah, dating in general scares me.
Fucking booze...
It's almost over though as my term is finished on Friday.
I have given up on dating, the guys I find are all either crazy, boring or clingy.