Hi loves!
By now I am sure that you noticed two things. The first being my name change. With the new site getting a fresh coat of paint I too felt the need for a change. I decided to shorten my name up to Queen_. QueenMabb was a bit long and, to be quite honest, it made it very hard to introduce myself. From now on, I am Queen or Q! lol
The second change is my profile pic. With a new name should come a new image. That shot is from my upcoming set "Tied Up", shot by @writeboy, which hits MR Nov 30!! Hopefully, this is the set to turn me pink!!
Lately, I have been having issues uploading photos into my blogs. From now on I will post Sundies on their own and any photos that you see will be described in the blog. :)
This past weekend I was lucky enough to spend Saturday with @sobelle and @shipwreck! We met up at the Old School St.Louis Tattoo Expo. I got to help Sobelle with her photography for Freshly Inked. It was a lot of fun.
On Sunday I spent the evening chilling and smoking hookah with @aerie. We also shot a small something something for all of you!! Keep your eyes peeled for photos.
Last week, I wrote that I was contemplating withdrawing from U of I. I am happy to announce that I did in fact withdraw and I couldn't be happier. With school looming ahead in a field I no longer cared for I found little joy in life. I cannot begin to describe how good it felt to send in that e-mail. For the first time, in a long time, I look forward to the future. So much, in fact, that I picked up a second job in order to earn more money for my possible move to Los Angeles!! Things are finally looking up!!
Well my loves, that's it for me!
I hope you all have a very pleasant week!
Oh! And before I forget. Make sure to wish @kraven a very happy Birthday! Yesterday was her cake day!!!
(Man, I love the way that sounds!)