I would personally punch 100 right wing nutcases in the face to allow one gay couple the equal right to marry.
I'd be a little scared of the referendum numbers here too. I know Alberta would be a lost cause. This province's neck is far redder than the rest of the country.
The problem with that is that marriage is tied to the government now. In order to be elligible for spousal benefits the marriage needs to be recognized by the states. Most employers won't give that. Your spouse counts for absolute fuck all in the eyes of the legal system if the government doesn't recognize it. There's no way marriage is going to be removed from the eyes of the government. It's just not feasable. The only solution now is to open it up so that the same benefits that apply to heterosexual couples apply to everyone else.
I'd be a little scared of the referendum numbers here too. I know Alberta would be a lost cause. This province's neck is far redder than the rest of the country.