So I'm back, finally. Sort of. Well it took three weeks to renew, and four weeks to straighten out the password information they sent me so I could use it.
I'd like to say thanks to the staff for getting me back up and running. Oh and for the extra six months, a big thank you.
My lovely wife set up the profile for me and wrote my quotes and favorites, oh and bought me the membership, I'll thank her in my own special way...
However she didn't realize she could have just reactivated my old account and saved herself the hassle of trying to guess all my favorite books and movies. She got it all right though. (Sweety we don't tell people I like Star Trek)
I'd like to say thanks to the staff for getting me back up and running. Oh and for the extra six months, a big thank you.
My lovely wife set up the profile for me and wrote my quotes and favorites, oh and bought me the membership, I'll thank her in my own special way...
However she didn't realize she could have just reactivated my old account and saved herself the hassle of trying to guess all my favorite books and movies. She got it all right though. (Sweety we don't tell people I like Star Trek)
Hey, Star Trek rocks! Nothing wrong with liking it!