So Christmas was somewhat anti-climatic this year after having a new baby only a week before. It also doesn't help that being completely oblivious to the special occasion he decided to pull an all-nighter on Christmas eve. We almost cancelled our trip to the releltives, but then I had an awful wonderful idea... pawn off the 7year old on the Aunts and go back to bed! The kids have plundered all thier relations for sweet Christmas booty and made out well.
Merry Christmas SG
Merry Christmas SG

awwyour baby is too cute
it has to be 45 mph for the cranes to shut down. we have tower cranes so i believe it is higher. conventional cranes here shut down ar 30 to 35. i also jump tower cranes. we were doing one with questionable gusts. it came down to lets go for it. it remember going up the climber. as we were going up i noticed the crane tech, myself and the other ironworker were looking over the edge. we were all finding suitible spots to jump if the tower went down. very exciting when your with fellow ironworkers. but dont let the wife know.