Got into a car accident today. I seem to be ok other then some pain that I think is from aggravating old injuries. Car isn't totaled but I'm probably looking at 2-3k in repairs. I know it's about $600 in just parts though.
All I can say is that my headlights can take a hit from a RAV4 like a champ.
All I can say is that my headlights can take a hit from a RAV4 like a champ.
Geez that six...but glad ur ok
Nah, no doctor. Still a little tender but no loss of movement yet and no shooting pain. I think I'll live.
Random assortment of pictures of me
Alright, did Anime Expo up in LA this last weekend and got a decent amount of pictures. I'll be going through them and sorting out the ones that I'm just not happy with before dumping them to here. Was anyone else up at AX?
Sooo.. I finally got why "fire in the hole." Was said like 3 min after you guys left
Whoops double post... good meeting you dude
Money. I hate money. No matter what I do and no matter how I cut costs I never seem to have enough of it. I got a three dollar raise when I moved to my job at Trion Wrolds but I'm still not making headway on paying off my credit card with everything else in my life. I'm nearly 600 in dept to my mom...
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i know how you feel brother man. money sucks
That's the truth, yet I always need more of it. Getting really tired of always being just short of what I need.
I've got an interview at Trion tomorrow! Or today rather now that I see the time... Either way I'm super excited. I'm going to be going for a balance QA tester position there. Hopefully I'll impress them at the interview and it'll pan out to a full time gig there. Would be nice to have a job that didn't make me want to punch someone...
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Fuck work and fuck (a few) of the people I work with. I need to find a better job... 

Good lord so much overtime... For those of you that don't know EverQuest went free to play last Friday and work has been out of control. There was about 1200 tickets when I left work around 9:30 tonight and last night I went until 11 and there was about 1500 left. I swear if I hear one more old man tell me how he can't...
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Been forever since I posted a blog here... Been lurking around a fair amount but never seem to have the motivation to post so I'll try and catch you all up at least a little.
In November I moved out of my mom's place (finally) and into an apartment with some of my friends and after finding ourselves going through some financial issues there are...
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In November I moved out of my mom's place (finally) and into an apartment with some of my friends and after finding ourselves going through some financial issues there are...
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You should throw a housewarming party! Or you know, post more

I'll try! On both counts. xD
Going to a show at Gallagher's Pub in Huntington Beach on the 3rd of March to take pictures for the band that's been using me as their photographer lately. Would love to see some of you there supporting some of the local San Diego talent
So my weekend ended just fucking wonderfully tonight. My co-worker is moving in with me for the time being because of issues with her current roommates so we were over there to collect most of her stuff and move it. Came down afterwards and found that someone had slashed one of my tires.
Vengeance will be swift and painful.
Vengeance will be swift and painful.
Also, message me your number