Hey Ya'll!
Life's been really good as of late, me and the girlfriend have been having lots of fun. I feel a little bad not being on here a little more so you can laugh at my sad face (the joys and pains of video calls). The last few weeks have been truly awesome and tons of fun! Work's been super busy in preparation of the coming holidays, which will be epic! I'm going on a snowboard getaway with the girlfriend for Christmas! Yay, and then we're hanging out with her folks on new years for the traditional Japanese style thing, which is a lot like thanksgiving (more on this later)! Hope all ya'll back home in the states had a great one like I did. = )
Just wanted to pop in say this, woo hoo it's CHRISTMAS SEASON!!! (officially lol) = D I can't wait for SNOW!!!!
And wish ya'll a very merry Christmas/holiday season! Stay safe and enjoy yourselves! I know this season can be rough for some of us, I know I've spent my share away from home, that doesn't mean no one cares. If your holidays are lame go to your local shelter and liberate a critter. You'll both be glad you did. I'm always happy to chat with people and make new friends any time, I dare you to say hi! I'm very thankful for all of you and that I've got my own little nook in this awesome community! I've got pictures coming soon and more later! = )