Well, apparently I'm around for a little longer. Who knew?
Pirate Thursday was a lot of fun. So was driving around aimlessly afterwards.
So just when I thought work was slipping into being steadily tolerable, things go ape-shit. I fucked up, and I'm going to be forced to deal with that in that I'll have to swallow my pride and take it from the co-workers...
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Pirate Thursday was a lot of fun. So was driving around aimlessly afterwards.
So just when I thought work was slipping into being steadily tolerable, things go ape-shit. I fucked up, and I'm going to be forced to deal with that in that I'll have to swallow my pride and take it from the co-workers...
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so as far as I can tell, this is most likely my last day on SG. I am scheduled to be rebilled today, and have changed my credit card info because if they try to charge it, I'll get in trouble with the bank.
I may reactivate the account when I get some money, I may not. Money is in short supply at the moment....
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I may reactivate the account when I get some money, I may not. Money is in short supply at the moment....
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*hugs*...i will miss my monkey man
I didn't get to know you that well, but I'll still miss you. Take care...

Part I
Nebulous and fog like, my thoughts swirl around like so much vapor, forming one cloudy shape, then dissolving into nothing, ever full of potential, yet never reaching fruition.
Tattered and bloody, my soul hobbles down the streets like a strung-out junkie, talking to anything that will listen. Hysterically screaming what seems like the most important justification for living to deaf ears.
My body...
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Nebulous and fog like, my thoughts swirl around like so much vapor, forming one cloudy shape, then dissolving into nothing, ever full of potential, yet never reaching fruition.
Tattered and bloody, my soul hobbles down the streets like a strung-out junkie, talking to anything that will listen. Hysterically screaming what seems like the most important justification for living to deaf ears.
My body...
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Just going through the motions, I know that all too well.
I really appreciate your comment in my journal. That is the main reason I do all of my art, to share one person view on life, one persons story. What you take from it makes it apart of you. Some people may not see whay you mean, but it's worth it when someone does. One day,and this has been many years delayed, i want to write my memoirs. Just to share one persons experience and lessons in life, one person who happens to have clinical depression and is lost within her mind, but finds beauty in it. I'll write it, one day.
Had a really exhausting day at work yesterday for some reason - very tired and wasn't really in the picnic mood, my apologies to all those at Laurelhurst I might have offended.
I just finished Requiem for a Dream (the book) and I'm going to watch the movie here again and see how that affects the all-around experience. I'm also going to re-read No. 44...
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I just finished Requiem for a Dream (the book) and I'm going to watch the movie here again and see how that affects the all-around experience. I'm also going to re-read No. 44...
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I still need to see Bubba Ho-Tep.
Thanks dude. Nice talkin to you too!
Let it all out and relax, everybody just chill the fuck out please.
Might I suggest Pirate Thursday as per usual, 10pm?
That's my temporary solution to a pernanent problem of the moment.
A house burned about a block from where I live. A truck also burned in the driveway. I heard later two people died. I also heard it was started when a...
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Let it all out and relax, everybody just chill the fuck out please.
Might I suggest Pirate Thursday as per usual, 10pm?
That's my temporary solution to a pernanent problem of the moment.
A house burned about a block from where I live. A truck also burned in the driveway. I heard later two people died. I also heard it was started when a...
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chill the fuck out indeed. *sigh*
i need to start biting my tongue around here....
i need to start biting my tongue around here....

After I read the testimonial you left me, I HAD to make yours good. It made my evening, and I smiled.
I don't know if there will be a big send off. I'm all sorts of busy, and EVERYONE wants a piece of MistressXXV. For sure Tuesday's out. Wednesday I'm at Embers to shake my gothic/industrial thing. Thursday is Pirate Thursday. Friday's open. Saturday I attend my last party which is a birthday bash for one of my non-SG friends. Maybe Friday will have to be it. What do you think?
I don't know if there will be a big send off. I'm all sorts of busy, and EVERYONE wants a piece of MistressXXV. For sure Tuesday's out. Wednesday I'm at Embers to shake my gothic/industrial thing. Thursday is Pirate Thursday. Friday's open. Saturday I attend my last party which is a birthday bash for one of my non-SG friends. Maybe Friday will have to be it. What do you think?
So I'm sure we've all heard a little something by now about certain people being suddenly archived.
I won't comment on that here. Because, quite simply, I fear the repercussion. I don't want to have my membership suddenly vanish. And if you've seen Punch-Drunk Love - you know not to fuck with people who have your credit card number.
work is good. I am learning...
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I won't comment on that here. Because, quite simply, I fear the repercussion. I don't want to have my membership suddenly vanish. And if you've seen Punch-Drunk Love - you know not to fuck with people who have your credit card number.
work is good. I am learning...
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p, I'll be there for Pirate Thursday. I doubt I'll make it to Moody's as the proprietor of SGPDX and I don't quite see eye-to-eye, and I'd rather remain in SGPDX on friendly terms until I move. 'Not sure what I did, I just get the feeling my presence isn't appreciated.
Anyway I'll be at Embers tonight early, like 9-midnight, if my former roommie can get a babysitter. She's kidnapping me on Wednesdays 'til I leave. I'll call you later today perhaps and make plans to catch up or watch a movie or something.
As for the membership, my current roommie let hers expire when no one would write in her journal. I don't suppose I'll keep my membership when it runs out in like, what April or May. I went all out with the year long membership. I don't look at the photosets, I don't really participate in the group activities, and I don't know that my girlfriend will ever believe me when I tell her I just hang out here for the community of friends I've acquired. Nothing is set in stone, like you said, but I know where you live and how to get a hold of you. If it is pleasing to you and Meph', I shall remain in contact until such time when we agree to no longer do so. 'Sound good?
Did I mention I'm leaving PDX on Oct 5?
Anyway I'll be at Embers tonight early, like 9-midnight, if my former roommie can get a babysitter. She's kidnapping me on Wednesdays 'til I leave. I'll call you later today perhaps and make plans to catch up or watch a movie or something.
As for the membership, my current roommie let hers expire when no one would write in her journal. I don't suppose I'll keep my membership when it runs out in like, what April or May. I went all out with the year long membership. I don't look at the photosets, I don't really participate in the group activities, and I don't know that my girlfriend will ever believe me when I tell her I just hang out here for the community of friends I've acquired. Nothing is set in stone, like you said, but I know where you live and how to get a hold of you. If it is pleasing to you and Meph', I shall remain in contact until such time when we agree to no longer do so. 'Sound good?
Did I mention I'm leaving PDX on Oct 5?
i demand you dont go! or atleast i demand that if you do you still come to pirate thursdays because how else will i get to wink at you and buy you a tastey cheap beer!
im also lacking in the funds and debating the whole thing as well. if you go ill make this
im also lacking in the funds and debating the whole thing as well. if you go ill make this

Welcome to the wonderful world of rehab. It's a trip folks, and I'm just getting started.
Work is fun. Relationships aren't. Money is still in short supply. Our neighbor is an asshole. Louise and Rudy are cool. I'm going to miss BigDirtyS and MistressXXV and JuraSic.
I went to the first AA meeting I've ever been to - not as an addict, but just observing...
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Work is fun. Relationships aren't. Money is still in short supply. Our neighbor is an asshole. Louise and Rudy are cool. I'm going to miss BigDirtyS and MistressXXV and JuraSic.
I went to the first AA meeting I've ever been to - not as an addict, but just observing...
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hello campers and welcome to another wonderful day here at camp ________ (fill in blank with something witty).
Today was pretty good. In spite of dwindling funds, Meph and I treated ourselves to a truly ridiculous amount of sushi. It was good. And now I probably won't want sushi for 2 weeks or so.
The reason for the feast? I finally got work. Sort of....
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Today was pretty good. In spite of dwindling funds, Meph and I treated ourselves to a truly ridiculous amount of sushi. It was good. And now I probably won't want sushi for 2 weeks or so.
The reason for the feast? I finally got work. Sort of....
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whoa! job! sweet!!!!!!!!
Congrats, and I'll see you tonight.
So I find myself, again, as it always ends up - alone, quiet watching the best our culture has to offer and trying to make sense of it as it pertains to my life.
I'm really down at moment. Things are not turning out as I had planned. It's ok when plans go wrong, but I had built this up so much in my head...
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I'm really down at moment. Things are not turning out as I had planned. It's ok when plans go wrong, but I had built this up so much in my head...
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hey! i also hate everyone and everything while my hormones rise and fall and i fling between thinking it's true that i hate everyone and that's more true that everyone should hate me.
although i don't seem to have the good vs. bad dichotomy going on... i'm mired in people being lucky vs. unlucky causing a karma roller coaster.
so, yeah... we should hang out and sit around together.
[Edited on Sep 14, 2003]
although i don't seem to have the good vs. bad dichotomy going on... i'm mired in people being lucky vs. unlucky causing a karma roller coaster.
so, yeah... we should hang out and sit around together.
[Edited on Sep 14, 2003]
obviously, i agree with you about limiting your enablers. and controlling the environment you're in only really works if you have any control. sometimes i think i don't. i take nyquil to sleep, but i drove on the freeway today and yesterday and the day before that. white knuckled it, but drove, nonetheless.
i think you will feel better when you find a job that makes you happy. if that's possible. is that possible? i hope so. or, if you have a job you hate, at least we can chum it up and talk about our hateful jobs and why they eat our souls. but i'm hoping for the job you don't hate. and we can chum it up over any damn thing.
find contentment through the sighs of others. sigh.
obviously, i agree with you about limiting your enablers. and controlling the environment you're in only really works if you have any control. sometimes i think i don't. i take nyquil to sleep, but i drove on the freeway today and yesterday and the day before that. white knuckled it, but drove, nonetheless.
i think you will feel better when you find a job that makes you happy. if that's possible. is that possible? i hope so. or, if you have a job you hate, at least we can chum it up and talk about our hateful jobs and why they eat our souls. but i'm hoping for the job you don't hate. and we can chum it up over any damn thing.
find contentment through the sighs of others. sigh.
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might...
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Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might...
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Another way this Saturday night could be worse, Tyler tells me in the Impala, is the brown recluse spider. When it bites you, it injects not just a venom but a digestive enzyme or acid that dissolves the tissue around the bite, literally melting your arm or your leg or your face.
Thanks Chuck. Life could be worse.
Edited to add:
Thanks to theWHORE for...
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Thanks Chuck. Life could be worse.
Edited to add:
Thanks to theWHORE for...
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mmmmMMMMMH! that's just terrrific!
how could someone NOT apperciate donnie darko? i have seen that movie 30+ times and im still in love with it.
my best friends uncle got bit by a brown recluse. he doesnt have a finger anymore.
my best friends uncle got bit by a brown recluse. he doesnt have a finger anymore.

Oh thank holy jeebus christ on a fucking popsicle cross that it finally rained.
I know I'm in the minority here - but I was ready for the rain to come. And I was sick of the weathermen playing with my emotions.
I just noticed the other night that one of the local PDX weathermen has a "Rate the Day" feature where on the evening...
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I know I'm in the minority here - but I was ready for the rain to come. And I was sick of the weathermen playing with my emotions.
I just noticed the other night that one of the local PDX weathermen has a "Rate the Day" feature where on the evening...
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"enrobe the roaring waters with my skills" is what i thought that said, instead of "silks". ho ho.
maybe when you get a job i can come in and visit and they will suspect you're a theif. ain't life grand?
maybe when you get a job i can come in and visit and they will suspect you're a theif. ain't life grand?
i am soooo happy it rained. in fact it can rain all fall and winter and i'll be happy.
i am soooo happy it rained. in fact it can rain all fall and winter and i'll be happy.
Keats is pretty damn cool. For a dead white guy.
I'm glad you decided to stick around for a little while longer.