The most fucked up thing happened today. I was way out in the middle of nowhere on some god forsaken country road with the rain coming down on my car in sheets, and I couldn't see a thing. I saw a gravel road, and had to pull in till the heavy rain passed so I could see where I was going. When it started to clear I turned my car around when I noticed a dear stumbling along as if it's hind legs were some how tied together, from the way it was "walking". I saw it collapse, and I couldn't just let it lay there. I got out of my car (it was still raining hard as hell, and I was wearing a suit) I walked all the way up to the dear, and it just laid there looking up at me from it's upward eye, as you could see it taking big panic breaths. It's legs weren't bound, and the thought crossed my mind that in the heavy rain someone had hit it with their car and drove off. I felt compelled to somehow help the dear. I got back in my car, and called around frantically to find someone to help. The humane society, fish, and wildlife, animal control, wild game, whatever. I was put on that gravel road for a reason, and I couldn't leave without helping. I finally got in touch with someone who told me there was not an agency that would help me,....period, and that it would die anyhow. Then he proceeded to tell me I didn't have any common sense because I approached a wild animal. I knew that I could be attacked, but you just don't think about that ya know? So I asked him if there was anything I could do. He then asked me If I had a gun. I wish I would have, at least then I could have put it out of it's misery. Don't get me wrong, I am not one of these animal activist, that is against leather, and doesn't eat meat (did I spell that right Melly?), I love hamburgers, and such. But when that dear looked up at me as I stood over it with the rain poring down on me, it was the most organic experience I think I have ever had, and I could do nothing to help.
On a much lighter note, being broke can lead to drastic measures. I gave myself a hair cut, and the pics are in my phone pics.
On a much lighter note, being broke can lead to drastic measures. I gave myself a hair cut, and the pics are in my phone pics.

Nice Pics.....have a great weekend!

shit buddy!! thats how i like mine too! it must fate!!