Sometimes I feel like a grumpy geriatric. This is one of those times. Get off my lawn!
I feel sick, and I ACHE
and ache
aaaannnnd aaaache
I want to go live in the woods NOW.
Life right now is a constant struggle. Extremely difficult to find something to eat that doesn't make me ill. Can hardly leave the house without getting a headache/asthma, or becoming exhausted. In some degree of pain just about all the time. Oh, I don't even want to get started.
Oh and some cumsponge drove by and yelled at me "Vote Bush, you lesbian!"
I'm so sick of people.
Jason saw a pigeon fly into a store window.. It died, but at least it wasn't cold and alone.. Jason comforted it.. The store owner was so cold and jerky about it.. Jason brought it up to our apartment because we weren't sure if it was dead, our apartment manager was a jerk about it too "ew pigeons are gross".. anyways.. It broke its neck. It was really sad.. Probably ate rat poison or something, started to act all weird, lost muscle control or something.. Poor pigeon..
What is it with us and injured birds? are we a magnet for them or are we just the only ones that give a fuck?
Oh, gonna give $100some to a no-kill animal shelter soon.. yeah. Got an (undeserved) speeding ticket, decided to contest it in court, on the way decided that if it was dismissed, we would spend the money we would have spent on the ticket on a shelter.. Didn't get dismissed, but got reduced $80. So yay for me and yay for happy kitties. Boo for higher insurance rates.
I think I'll just go and cry now.
I feel sick, and I ACHE
and ache
aaaannnnd aaaache
I want to go live in the woods NOW.
Life right now is a constant struggle. Extremely difficult to find something to eat that doesn't make me ill. Can hardly leave the house without getting a headache/asthma, or becoming exhausted. In some degree of pain just about all the time. Oh, I don't even want to get started.
Oh and some cumsponge drove by and yelled at me "Vote Bush, you lesbian!"
I'm so sick of people.
Jason saw a pigeon fly into a store window.. It died, but at least it wasn't cold and alone.. Jason comforted it.. The store owner was so cold and jerky about it.. Jason brought it up to our apartment because we weren't sure if it was dead, our apartment manager was a jerk about it too "ew pigeons are gross".. anyways.. It broke its neck. It was really sad.. Probably ate rat poison or something, started to act all weird, lost muscle control or something.. Poor pigeon..
What is it with us and injured birds? are we a magnet for them or are we just the only ones that give a fuck?
Oh, gonna give $100some to a no-kill animal shelter soon.. yeah. Got an (undeserved) speeding ticket, decided to contest it in court, on the way decided that if it was dismissed, we would spend the money we would have spent on the ticket on a shelter.. Didn't get dismissed, but got reduced $80. So yay for me and yay for happy kitties. Boo for higher insurance rates.
I think I'll just go and cry now.
that's really ignorant! wtf indeed.
People in real life are, on the whole, a bunch of fucking bloody wankers. Especially the opnes who yell stuff at strangers. Bah! I hope you feel better soon! I do, I feel much better now.