Random things about me:
1. I flew over the Bermuda triangle on Friday the 13th
2. I've swam in a cave
3. I've swam with dolphins
4. I can't actually swim- I had a lifejacket on for the above 2 items
5. I hate the English (maybe it's the Irish in me)Our apartment is a complete mess
6. I'm a scorpio
7. I think smoking is utterly repulsive. Both my parents smoked, and now so does my sister.
8. I've never smoked, was never even tempted in the slightest
9. I didn't much like the Netherlands
10. Sometimes Jason and I go to an no-longer-in-use military fort 2 hours away to play music just 'cause it's echo-y and neat
11. I used to think that I just hated music in general because all I was ever exposed to was ace of base, new kids on the block, MC Hammer (all of which my sister obsessed over) and the crappy music my dad played/listened to
12. Once in a 7-11 when I was 6 or something I took a red licorice lace from the bucket and ate it without paying because in my mom's office there was a licorice bucket and i never had to pay there. When I put it together I felt really really bad and it kept me up all night.
15. When I was a kid I used to pick my nose all the time but I would ever-so-discreetly put my other hand in front of my face so no one would know what I was doing (of course it was very obvious to everyone)
16. I've had a pie thrown in my face
17. I'm really really enjoying being bald
18. I've never done drugs
19. Or drank alcohol except for a few sips here and there and a teenytiny glass of absinthe in the barn of a castle in Caudeval, France
20. I gave up caffeine cold turkey on my wedding day
21. I got married in a Vegas drive-thru chapel
22. I'm not going to vote (I'm just not convinced it will make a shred of difference who is elected, or not elected as the case may be)
23. Sometimes I want to TP my mom's house
24. Sometimes I want everything to fall into the ocean
25. I'm afraid of sewer snakes
26. I've copied about 250 cds from the library this month
27. I know when my period is coming when Oprah makes me cry
28. I like to share personal things with casual friends sometimes to make them uncomfortable and allow them to see me as a real live whole person that has more than one facet
29. I watch America's Next Top Model
30. I have no shame!
31. When I was 15 I decided to learn cello and having never played an instrument in my life within a year and a half got a spot in Corvallis' Youth Philharmonic
32. I have not played said cello in months since my assface ex-roomate Scott knocked a hole in it and my bow spontaneously snapped
33. I worked at Kinko's for 4 years and I think that has contributed to my chemical sensitivities, as there is mercury in the toner and other stuff, and it gets in the air
34. If anything ever happened to Jason I would squat in forest service land and live like a cavegirl
35. When people ask if I'm registered to vote I say that I'm a felon, and felons can't vote
36. The only injury I've had to go to the hospital for is from an unfortunate run-in with an umbrella. I had to get 3 stitches on my lip and still have a scar.
37. I masturbate when I'm bored, and therefore a lot
38. I've only had sex with Jason
39. Steve Irwin is my hero
40. I can't drive
41. I do not keep up with current events. If there is something I need to know I trust that Jason will tell me, but otherwise I do not like to be desensitised to the humanity of it all, which is inevitable whether you watch fox news or read whatreallyhappened, just by the sheer volume of it all
42. I have no idea where I would be right now if I hadn't met Jason, probably somewhere very bad.
43. I've found that a certain spot on my head is an erogenous zone
44. I overheat very easily
45. I once played/improvised with Mark Dresser
46. I'm not religious, but I'm spiritual
47. Two of our only friends that we see regularly speak mostly spanish and I don't speak a shred, but somehow that doesn't get in the way
48. I made my very first bra out of pantyhose
49. Jason is far more interesting than I
50. I've seen a porta-potty tip over in a storm
51. We've been all over Arizona and New Mexico looking for pretty rocks
52. On the above trip we got stuck in the sand in the middle of nowhere somewhere south of tuscon, with me about to have a heatstroke, and killer-bees on our trail. Luckily, Jason is a wonderful driver and got us out.
53. I don't really have any cultural identity
54. I really don't like who I used to be
55. When I was a kid I used to write little notes on birch bark to the elves in my backyard
56. I practiced Wicca when I was 13 or so
57. Apparently David Kerman/5uu's is going to put some stuff I recorded for him on his next CD (He's quite a big name in the prog-rock scene)
58. Jason, Scott, and I played on the radio once (and not some dinky station, either-- I think it covers most of Oregon) but it didn't go well because, well, scott's an idiot junky but more importantly the sound-guy abandoned us and I couldn't hear myself at all. Anyways, that was embarassing.
59. I learn things really fast
60. When I'm interested in something I go on a knowledge-seeking binge (like researching 10 hours a day for a month or something) until I'm satisfied
61. Sometimes my diet is very weird.. For instance, for 3 days straight I will eat nothing but frozen blueberries.
62. At one point I've wanted to: go to culinary school, learn violin-making, make jewelry for a living, be a teacher to doctors (just 'cause everyone in 2nd grade either wanted to be a teacher or a doctor), write, be a perpetual student, decorate cakes, and a bunch of other crap that sounds like a nightmare, now.
63. When I was 14 I thought I was going insane and almost admitted myself to a mental hospital
64. In school I think I was the only one who was nice to everyone no matter what and defended and reached-out to the "outcasts"
65. I was an ugly kid before i grew into my nose
66. For my 13th birthday my mom let me skip school and wander around portland all by myself without money, a map, or plans (speaks more about my mom than me, I guess)
67. I'm an exhibitionist
68. Sometimes I get really uppity and bite-y, I nip and tickle Jason and otherwise act like a lunatic
69. I really like Vicodin but absolutely wont let myself indulge, you don't need to use drugs even once to be addicted (you can have an unhealthy relationship to it even before you try it first, based on your expectations and desires)
70. I'm extremely quiet, and generally hate talking, especially to strangers or casual acquaintances. I'm completely inept at small-talk
71. I'm prejudiced against people with certain names (all Josh's I've met are jerks, for instance)
72. I have Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
73. I like to sing, and I used to be pretty good at it. I'm out of practice, now.
74. Sometimes I think I'll miss civilization, particularly the possibility of doing certain things, like traveling, recording an album, etc.
75. I am completely alienated from the rest of humanity, or at least that portion of humanity that I have any contact with
76. I had a kitty named Sheeba who lived to twenty. She got a tooth absess and we had to put her to sleep. It was very very sad. The vet sent us flowers.
77. I'm a home-body
78. Some part of me likes high fashion (the more avant-garde stuff)
79. I trust my intuition
80. I was born the day after halloween (all saints day)
81. I do not like science one bit
82. I do not like computers
83. Sometimes I do not think in the usual way... as in, the actual process. Not in english, or any language, or pictures, etc. but I can't describe it.
84. I slept in a hammock for 5 years (didn't have a normal bed), then on an air matress for 3 more
85. I rarely enjoy most comedy, although I laugh a lot
86. I have a good sense of direction
87. I didn't learn left from right for a long time
88. I never ever want to go to China again
89. I really liked Barcelona, except for all the cranes
90. I've seen an authentic French Whore
91. When I eat curry, my armpits smell like curry. When I eat chocolate, they smell like chocolate. I don't mean vaguely. EXACTLY.
92. I haven't done any of these stupid lists or survey type things in probably two years
93. I've recently gained a little weight, but that's probably a good thing
94. I don't get nostalgic about my past
95. I used to be very pretentious and sometimes I still have to fight that tendency, but usually I overcome it
96. Jason and I have our own sort of language that would probably make most people scratch their heads
97. I enjoy repetitive work
98. I don't own any makeup, and never have
99. I don't have the best of hygiene by most peoples standards (but I don't smell rank or anything-- hah unless you find the smell of curry offensive)
100. Sometimes I want to punch someone just to know what it's like, though of course I never could
101. I would defend myself if need be
102. Jason says I'm a natural at saxophone
103. I don't wear underwear
104. My skirt blew up the other day on my way to the library, probably made some homeless folks happy
105. Ive dove into a 50-ft hill of salt and flailed around looking for pretty crystals
106. I own a gun
107. Im a high-school dropout
108. My favorite piece of music is Khachaturians 3rd symphony
109. My dad drugged and molested me when I was a kid
110. My dad was an alcoholic, smoked pot every day, and also dealt it and helped his friend grow it.
111. I want a kitten. My own. I want to birth it, and nurse it, and teach it how to hunt. I was born the wrong species.
112. Once my friend Kelsie and I covered her entire back yard in yarn, probably 100 rolls of it, like a giant web. I dont know why.
113. When Im anxious, I talk to myself in sign-language.
114. In gym class, I used to run the wrong way around the track to confuse the teacher so that he wouldnt realize I only did the laps.
115. When I was in Highschool, I had a 3.98 GPA or something like that
116. I cant dance
117. Since I shaved my head, and convinced Jason to do the same, I think people think were in a cult.
118. But most importantly I love my cubbycub Jason, he's the best, the cutest, handsomest, nicest, creative-est, smartest, specialest person in the world
119. I'm very lucky
1. I flew over the Bermuda triangle on Friday the 13th
2. I've swam in a cave
3. I've swam with dolphins
4. I can't actually swim- I had a lifejacket on for the above 2 items
5. I hate the English (maybe it's the Irish in me)Our apartment is a complete mess
6. I'm a scorpio
7. I think smoking is utterly repulsive. Both my parents smoked, and now so does my sister.
8. I've never smoked, was never even tempted in the slightest
9. I didn't much like the Netherlands
10. Sometimes Jason and I go to an no-longer-in-use military fort 2 hours away to play music just 'cause it's echo-y and neat
11. I used to think that I just hated music in general because all I was ever exposed to was ace of base, new kids on the block, MC Hammer (all of which my sister obsessed over) and the crappy music my dad played/listened to
12. Once in a 7-11 when I was 6 or something I took a red licorice lace from the bucket and ate it without paying because in my mom's office there was a licorice bucket and i never had to pay there. When I put it together I felt really really bad and it kept me up all night.
15. When I was a kid I used to pick my nose all the time but I would ever-so-discreetly put my other hand in front of my face so no one would know what I was doing (of course it was very obvious to everyone)
16. I've had a pie thrown in my face
17. I'm really really enjoying being bald
18. I've never done drugs
19. Or drank alcohol except for a few sips here and there and a teenytiny glass of absinthe in the barn of a castle in Caudeval, France
20. I gave up caffeine cold turkey on my wedding day
21. I got married in a Vegas drive-thru chapel
22. I'm not going to vote (I'm just not convinced it will make a shred of difference who is elected, or not elected as the case may be)
23. Sometimes I want to TP my mom's house
24. Sometimes I want everything to fall into the ocean
25. I'm afraid of sewer snakes
26. I've copied about 250 cds from the library this month
27. I know when my period is coming when Oprah makes me cry
28. I like to share personal things with casual friends sometimes to make them uncomfortable and allow them to see me as a real live whole person that has more than one facet
29. I watch America's Next Top Model
30. I have no shame!
31. When I was 15 I decided to learn cello and having never played an instrument in my life within a year and a half got a spot in Corvallis' Youth Philharmonic
32. I have not played said cello in months since my assface ex-roomate Scott knocked a hole in it and my bow spontaneously snapped
33. I worked at Kinko's for 4 years and I think that has contributed to my chemical sensitivities, as there is mercury in the toner and other stuff, and it gets in the air
34. If anything ever happened to Jason I would squat in forest service land and live like a cavegirl
35. When people ask if I'm registered to vote I say that I'm a felon, and felons can't vote
36. The only injury I've had to go to the hospital for is from an unfortunate run-in with an umbrella. I had to get 3 stitches on my lip and still have a scar.
37. I masturbate when I'm bored, and therefore a lot
38. I've only had sex with Jason
39. Steve Irwin is my hero
40. I can't drive
41. I do not keep up with current events. If there is something I need to know I trust that Jason will tell me, but otherwise I do not like to be desensitised to the humanity of it all, which is inevitable whether you watch fox news or read whatreallyhappened, just by the sheer volume of it all
42. I have no idea where I would be right now if I hadn't met Jason, probably somewhere very bad.
43. I've found that a certain spot on my head is an erogenous zone
44. I overheat very easily
45. I once played/improvised with Mark Dresser
46. I'm not religious, but I'm spiritual
47. Two of our only friends that we see regularly speak mostly spanish and I don't speak a shred, but somehow that doesn't get in the way
48. I made my very first bra out of pantyhose
49. Jason is far more interesting than I
50. I've seen a porta-potty tip over in a storm
51. We've been all over Arizona and New Mexico looking for pretty rocks
52. On the above trip we got stuck in the sand in the middle of nowhere somewhere south of tuscon, with me about to have a heatstroke, and killer-bees on our trail. Luckily, Jason is a wonderful driver and got us out.
53. I don't really have any cultural identity
54. I really don't like who I used to be
55. When I was a kid I used to write little notes on birch bark to the elves in my backyard
56. I practiced Wicca when I was 13 or so
57. Apparently David Kerman/5uu's is going to put some stuff I recorded for him on his next CD (He's quite a big name in the prog-rock scene)
58. Jason, Scott, and I played on the radio once (and not some dinky station, either-- I think it covers most of Oregon) but it didn't go well because, well, scott's an idiot junky but more importantly the sound-guy abandoned us and I couldn't hear myself at all. Anyways, that was embarassing.
59. I learn things really fast
60. When I'm interested in something I go on a knowledge-seeking binge (like researching 10 hours a day for a month or something) until I'm satisfied
61. Sometimes my diet is very weird.. For instance, for 3 days straight I will eat nothing but frozen blueberries.
62. At one point I've wanted to: go to culinary school, learn violin-making, make jewelry for a living, be a teacher to doctors (just 'cause everyone in 2nd grade either wanted to be a teacher or a doctor), write, be a perpetual student, decorate cakes, and a bunch of other crap that sounds like a nightmare, now.
63. When I was 14 I thought I was going insane and almost admitted myself to a mental hospital
64. In school I think I was the only one who was nice to everyone no matter what and defended and reached-out to the "outcasts"
65. I was an ugly kid before i grew into my nose
66. For my 13th birthday my mom let me skip school and wander around portland all by myself without money, a map, or plans (speaks more about my mom than me, I guess)
67. I'm an exhibitionist
68. Sometimes I get really uppity and bite-y, I nip and tickle Jason and otherwise act like a lunatic
69. I really like Vicodin but absolutely wont let myself indulge, you don't need to use drugs even once to be addicted (you can have an unhealthy relationship to it even before you try it first, based on your expectations and desires)
70. I'm extremely quiet, and generally hate talking, especially to strangers or casual acquaintances. I'm completely inept at small-talk
71. I'm prejudiced against people with certain names (all Josh's I've met are jerks, for instance)
72. I have Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
73. I like to sing, and I used to be pretty good at it. I'm out of practice, now.
74. Sometimes I think I'll miss civilization, particularly the possibility of doing certain things, like traveling, recording an album, etc.
75. I am completely alienated from the rest of humanity, or at least that portion of humanity that I have any contact with
76. I had a kitty named Sheeba who lived to twenty. She got a tooth absess and we had to put her to sleep. It was very very sad. The vet sent us flowers.
77. I'm a home-body
78. Some part of me likes high fashion (the more avant-garde stuff)
79. I trust my intuition
80. I was born the day after halloween (all saints day)
81. I do not like science one bit
82. I do not like computers
83. Sometimes I do not think in the usual way... as in, the actual process. Not in english, or any language, or pictures, etc. but I can't describe it.
84. I slept in a hammock for 5 years (didn't have a normal bed), then on an air matress for 3 more
85. I rarely enjoy most comedy, although I laugh a lot
86. I have a good sense of direction
87. I didn't learn left from right for a long time
88. I never ever want to go to China again
89. I really liked Barcelona, except for all the cranes
90. I've seen an authentic French Whore
91. When I eat curry, my armpits smell like curry. When I eat chocolate, they smell like chocolate. I don't mean vaguely. EXACTLY.
92. I haven't done any of these stupid lists or survey type things in probably two years
93. I've recently gained a little weight, but that's probably a good thing
94. I don't get nostalgic about my past
95. I used to be very pretentious and sometimes I still have to fight that tendency, but usually I overcome it
96. Jason and I have our own sort of language that would probably make most people scratch their heads
97. I enjoy repetitive work
98. I don't own any makeup, and never have
99. I don't have the best of hygiene by most peoples standards (but I don't smell rank or anything-- hah unless you find the smell of curry offensive)
100. Sometimes I want to punch someone just to know what it's like, though of course I never could
101. I would defend myself if need be
102. Jason says I'm a natural at saxophone
103. I don't wear underwear
104. My skirt blew up the other day on my way to the library, probably made some homeless folks happy
105. Ive dove into a 50-ft hill of salt and flailed around looking for pretty crystals
106. I own a gun
107. Im a high-school dropout
108. My favorite piece of music is Khachaturians 3rd symphony
109. My dad drugged and molested me when I was a kid
110. My dad was an alcoholic, smoked pot every day, and also dealt it and helped his friend grow it.
111. I want a kitten. My own. I want to birth it, and nurse it, and teach it how to hunt. I was born the wrong species.
112. Once my friend Kelsie and I covered her entire back yard in yarn, probably 100 rolls of it, like a giant web. I dont know why.
113. When Im anxious, I talk to myself in sign-language.
114. In gym class, I used to run the wrong way around the track to confuse the teacher so that he wouldnt realize I only did the laps.
115. When I was in Highschool, I had a 3.98 GPA or something like that
116. I cant dance
117. Since I shaved my head, and convinced Jason to do the same, I think people think were in a cult.
118. But most importantly I love my cubbycub Jason, he's the best, the cutest, handsomest, nicest, creative-est, smartest, specialest person in the world

119. I'm very lucky
do you work there?
I don't work there, I was just checking out.