so. well. let's see. my next couple months: 1) north dakota sugar beet harvest for a not-so-easy couple grand in a couple weeks span 2) north carolina with a anarchist dude from haiti that i met at rabbitstick (in Idaho) who's headed there.
my life is wonderful and strange.
o yeah, rabbitstick, i suppose i should update about that. it's this primitive skills gathering in the boonies of idaho. i took workshops in: mycology, botany (with thomas elpel!), making fire with trash (beer cans, dead batteries, etc), roadkill processing, brain tanning, trapping and snaring, camouflage, stalking, dogbane cordage, making elderberry flutes, hobo stoves, knife self defense, several kinds of friction fire, bone fish hooks, flintknapping, weaving hawaiian fish traps, and also helped make a tulle surf board, amongst other things. i somehow managed to get pulled over twice, and the first time: one of the cops finding 2 (edible, non-hallucinogenic) puffball mushrooms in my birch bark basket in the seat next to me and him having to call in two of the local "drug experts" to try to identify them seemed to distract them from the fact that there were 6 people sitting in the back of my van, which has no back seats much less seat belts (and also an open container or two that might have been back there too-- not that i had been imbibing, but i'm pretty sure others had been)... Another time because we came upon a Fish and Game checkpoint, and they reported to the state police that we "acted suspiciously"... granted, we did have a roadkill badger (and a jackrabbit and a couple various deer parts, also) wrapped up in a rug in the back (and it's illegal to pick up roadkill), so we were maybe a little bit nervous. in the end, i managed to not get any tickets (entirely due to my irresistible charm).
there's many more stories from that trip, but that's all i have time for tonight...
my life is wonderful and strange.
o yeah, rabbitstick, i suppose i should update about that. it's this primitive skills gathering in the boonies of idaho. i took workshops in: mycology, botany (with thomas elpel!), making fire with trash (beer cans, dead batteries, etc), roadkill processing, brain tanning, trapping and snaring, camouflage, stalking, dogbane cordage, making elderberry flutes, hobo stoves, knife self defense, several kinds of friction fire, bone fish hooks, flintknapping, weaving hawaiian fish traps, and also helped make a tulle surf board, amongst other things. i somehow managed to get pulled over twice, and the first time: one of the cops finding 2 (edible, non-hallucinogenic) puffball mushrooms in my birch bark basket in the seat next to me and him having to call in two of the local "drug experts" to try to identify them seemed to distract them from the fact that there were 6 people sitting in the back of my van, which has no back seats much less seat belts (and also an open container or two that might have been back there too-- not that i had been imbibing, but i'm pretty sure others had been)... Another time because we came upon a Fish and Game checkpoint, and they reported to the state police that we "acted suspiciously"... granted, we did have a roadkill badger (and a jackrabbit and a couple various deer parts, also) wrapped up in a rug in the back (and it's illegal to pick up roadkill), so we were maybe a little bit nervous. in the end, i managed to not get any tickets (entirely due to my irresistible charm).
there's many more stories from that trip, but that's all i have time for tonight...
I know who im hanging out with when the zombie apocalypse comes. Hey what exactly do you do with the road kill,i have heard about people picking up road kill before but im not sure what they do with it (i have my suspicions) .I dont think i have heard of the practice down here.
If you know how to make an elderberry flute and hobo stove, you're set for life.