messiaen.- quatuor pour la fin du temps - louange l'eternit de jsus
olivier messiaen wrote and premiered this piece while in a prisoner of war camp in nazi germany.
jason and i are working on playing this together. funny thing is, he's playing the cello part on sax and i'm playing piano.
also, i've been looking for an upright bass. a person who knows his shit has recently convinced me to look for a full-sized or 7/8 size at the smallest. most basses you've probably seen are 3/4 size. i will look completely and totally ridiculous. and people have said i look ridiculous playing cello.

i also just got a vermicomposter. yay worms! they cute.
we had friends staying over with us for a while, we took them to the smokies, and stayed in a cabin with this view from our porch:

i discovered that pigeon forge, tn is a very, very, very strange place.

non sequitur: i have horrible luck with toasters. three have went kaput for me this month. i must be cursed.
edit: please help keep my awesome thread from being overrun by people who don't know what "fetid" means.

My ex-boss has a real issue with fan heaters. He has killed at least eight that I know of; three of them he's been lucky to walk away from. Strange...