I caught one of my neighbors giving me a strange look as I was watering the bales. No doubt we're going to be that house in the neighborhood. And they didn't even know that the stuff in the watering can was diluted urine that we've been saving in gallon jugs. Hey, as fertilizers go, it's a hell of a lot less gross than blood meal and fish emulsion. Not that I find it gross to begin with, but you know, I might be a little strange.
So who wants to come over for lunch!?

Wait, nevermind, or I'll end up with a urolagnist banquet on my hands.
In other news, I saw busdriver last night.

Well I work at a phone company for money and do writing/film/music in my spare time right now. Lots of student debt to pay off. And I write reviews and things. Most of the music stuff I do is like electronic studio stuff and things for radio plays, but I do love to participate.
Actually I was planning on going to Victoriaville for the first time this year - first year I was too broke, 2nd I had to work. Have always wanted to go.. it's coming up pretty soon.. may I believe.