My bike is together again! I went for a ride last weekend- aside from a little awkwardness with the gear shifting, it was great. I'm not sure what to do with the gears, at the moment. The old shifter doesn't play nice with the new freewheel. I see a lot of fixies around, but how do they manage the hills? I'm looking forward to sorting...
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I've been told that they're just geared low enough that you can tackle most anything... I still ride geared.
Good to hear from you. Keep up the biking... it's what i need to be doing!
My bike is almost finished! I need to adjust the brakes, tape the handlebars, put the seat on and test ride it.
Allergy season must be almost here again. We ordered an air filter this time, so it might not be as bad as last year.
I had an awesome dream last night: I was on an airship, ripping up a whole room's worth of pearl necklaces.
I thought I had appendicitis, but the doctor said it's a virus. When will the stabbing stomach pain stop? At least I still have Silent Hill Origins to play while I wait.
Feel better!
I renewed the account - it's been nearly two years! I'm no longer a student on a rice noodles-for-breakfast, lunch and dinner-budget, so I guess I can afford it. Yesterday was kind of miserable and I spent it surfing the nets, and wound up here. The profile picture's kind of gross. I woke up from a nap, smoked a clove, and took it. And there...
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Yay, new picture. The smile says, "I know where you hide your porn."
Do you go to UNBC or CNC? What are you taking in school?
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion!
That's from Dune, right?
I'm new to PG. Where's a good place to hang out in this town?
It seems like nobody knows about the vegan shoe store in Victoria that I really thought I heard about. Maybe I imagined it? I feel silly for bothering everyone by asking now. But damn, I need some lab shoes.
In other news, I just paid my tuition, but the impact of being poor hasn't hit yet.
I changed my picture again. I think mevsyou was...
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In other news, I just paid my tuition, but the impact of being poor hasn't hit yet.
I changed my picture again. I think mevsyou was...
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What I wouldn't give for a vegan shoe store in Winnipeg
I have a picture now. That thing in the background, that's my medicine cabinet.
Glad you like it!
I totally don't think that I did.
You might want to ask Bettina!

Today I bought:
-an Oral-B "Hummingbird"
-hand sanitizer (to kill 99.99% of germs so .001% will become strong)
-a membership at
So that's my day. Hi.
-an Oral-B "Hummingbird"
-hand sanitizer (to kill 99.99% of germs so .001% will become strong)
-a membership at
So that's my day. Hi.
Hey, I need you to get a profile picture before I can let you into the canada west group.
Re-apply later!
Re-apply later!