II work for an engineering company. The company and most of our clients are making a serious effort to go paperless. We have a project that is now "out for construction" and today we were asked to print out and deliver the drawings and specifications. They need 15 sets of full size, 56 sheets per set. 17 sets of half size, 56 sheets and 22...
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I bought a China hutch off of Craigslist today. When I was unloading it my neighbor stepped out of her apartment I guess to see what was going on. Without being asked her opinion she started in with why did you buy old stuff you should have bought something new. I bit my tongue and told her to go away. I really don't want to...
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I think I've found a new version of the phrase "Death by a thousand paper cuts". It's "Death by a thousand software updates".
When you are away from the office for two and a half weeks the company software updates start to pile up.
A funny thing happened today. One of my co-workers is verrrrry pregnant and while I was off she found the bags...
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I'm prettysure that this is not my year. So far I've seen 5 different 4 points and about 100 doe, unfortunately none of these are legal. I've been fighting through this cold pretty successfully but Monday afternoon it started winning and after I slipped and ate it out in the woods I've pretty much said fuck it.
I feel like I need a vacation from...
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I decided to bring chocolate chip cookie bars to hunting camp, one of the other guys decided to bring the FLU.
Now we are all sick.
The weather went from rain to snow and when the infector had to run to the store his doors had frozen shut on his truck. He was actually pissed because none of us would help him.
I did make...
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Tomorrow is opening day for buck season, it's probably the only time in my adult life that I can't wait for it to be monday.
I went out to check my stand this morning and I walked up one a flock of turkeys. I'm getting good at stalking because they never knew I was there.
Can't wait.
My neighbors car is in the shop so I've been giving her a ride when she needs one. Today when I picked her up she told me that her boss thought it was really nice that her "DAD" was giving her rides to work.
I'm 45 and she's 22 so I guess I have to expect that.
HHave you ever met someone start talking to them and everything is pretty great, then you get that suspicious feeling so you cyber stalk them and find out that they are married.
I just did that.
The woman that was in front of me in line to vote kept mentioning that the line for the other district was nothing compared to our line. Seriously it was all of 5 people ours was probably 70. Half an hour later when she got to the table to sign in the woman behind the table could not find her in the system. She checked...
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Some friends and I were telling stories about relationships blowing up and some other moments that we can look at now and laugh. I told a story of an incident that is so trivial but ended with her moving back to Erie. I dated a girl for about 2 months and we were laying on the couch watching Archer, she's snuggled up close to me...
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