A friend of mine is mad at me for not being mad that she has a boyfriend. I'm actually very happy for her.

Our office manager called me aside after she yelled at me and he just laughed. Apparently she's had a crush on me for the past year or so even when I was dating someone else in the office.

I'll never understand people.

I'll never understand people who date others just to get someone jealous, like... the other person is also a human being, don't hurt others just for your own plans... But it is funny when they expect some sort of reaction from you and you don't give it to them so the freak out heeh! 

I done doing yard work forever. I had a 6 month checkup with the doctor but over the weekend I managed to cover my lower legs and arms with poison ivy. The doctor wanted to take my blood pressure but when I rolled up my sleeve he saw the rash and said "Well your blood pressure isn't that important right now".

I got a script...
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Back to Back Champs!

Gotta love those Pens!!!


I work with a woman who is verrrry touchy feely, normally this isn't a problem but today she grabbed my arm right where i have a spot if poison ivy. I didn't mean to yell but it's the only spot that I have and I didn't treat it soon enough so it freaking itches.

yes I know I'm being a baby


I keep trying to put money away for something good, I don't know what that is yet. I finally got my refund check and I've paid some bills out of it but I keep getting the urge to buy something that I don't need. Today tested me quit a bit, I stopped into the sporting goods store to get come reloading supplies and on the...
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As someone who has been doing the adult thing of trying to save every month, I find it's best to budget a little bit of that savings (say 5-10%) toward stuff that makes you happy. Otherwise, it gets really boring really quickly just responsibly saving all the time. I think the important thing is that you've already recognized the need for financial responsibility. Many people don't even realize that. For example, when I was younger, I never thought about any of that stuff, and just spent whatever I made. The first time I lost my job though, I realized "holy shit, that came out of nowhere", and it taught me an important lesson to be prepared financially. That being said, just being financially responsible is no fun either. So as long as you come to an agreement with yourself about what percentage you're willing to give up every month toward the things that make you happy, and stick to that, I find that it works out pretty well. Whatever you do, just stay away from putting any of that fun stuff on credit. That's where the real mess is. Good luck!

I had this really odd dream last night that I was fighting nazis. I managed to out flank them, douse them with gasoline and set them on fire. It got a bit more violent when I would shoot the ones who escaped the flames.

I'm thinking this was my subconscious getting over the bitch.

Good news from the doctor, I didn't catch anything from her.


Is it strange to want to quit a date when you find out that the girl is dating someone???

I don't know about you but fidelity means a lot to me, mainly everything.


Tomorrow I have a lunch date. I'm still a bit effed up from the skank but I need to put that behind me. I met this woman through work, we are doing some work for her company and she was our escort for a field visit. I was polite and professional during our trip, I made a comment to my boss that she was insanely...
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aw, I wish you all the best with your date! :)
I think I'm done with horses.

I've been doing a field survey of some of the drinking water pump stations around town and wow. It's amazing how much of the infrastructure has been neglected and is only held together with duck tape, bubble gum, and prayers.

I am less and less patients supporting entities that serve little to no purpose other than making the news. What I've seen over the years...
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Nothing like friends to put things into perspective. I'm single again and looking for some pity from my friends, my divorced friends. It's hard feel too bad when you get rid of a problem twice inside of six months, especially when your divorced friends make the point of I didn't loose my house and spend thousands of dollars on lawyer fees.

I'm going to the...
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