ONE of the farms that I hunt is being hit pretty hard by EHD. It's a damn shame seeing what was only weeks earlier a perfectly healthy deer are now dying and melting away. I helped my friend drag two deer out of a spring on his property. He said that they weren't there this morning but by the stench you would think that they...
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What is ehd?
@tali79 Epizootic hemorrhagic disease. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epizootic_hemorrhagic_disease&ved=0ahUKEwjD1MDFxcbWAhWKrlQKHZCDB_AQFggpMAI&usg=AFQjCNFOqtJ2GLeA3Qo-S8qDWTlQp0FMLw

Do you ever think that when Superman was a teenager, that the first girl to suck him off had her brains blown out like a shotgun blast when he nutted???

I know it's kind of fucked up, but how would he know how powerful he really is.


What album should everyone listen to in their lifetime?

I have a couple of suggestions but I've narrowed it down to AC/DC Back in Black. I have an older brother who bout that album when it first came out and seriously I've been listening to it ever since. I can't find a bad song on the entire record.

@missy @rambo

I think about Muse - Origin of symmetry , it is immortal

Walking back to the car after I notice two women walking towards me a blond and a brunette. I had been making eye contact with the blond and when she got close I said "Hi Beautiful. The brunette said hi and I said no, not you her pointing to the blond woman.

The blond woman turned bright red I'm guessing out of embarrassment, her friend...
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oh, I don't think she took away the compliment from her friend, she maybe thought it was for both of them and got upset that you pointed it was not...  

Its a bad sign when you go to pick up a girl for a date and she is well into her second bottle of wine. I understand being nervous but being incoherent is way worse.

I think om just going to give up.


I've started talking to a neighbor girl that I really like. This weekend she asked me why I've not tried to kiss her. I didn't wast to kiss her while my hands, arms and part of my face are covers in poison ivy or whatever it is.

I really need to stop doing yard work, it's killing my life.

First date is this Friday.


I ordered some shirts and all but one of them showed up. The last one went on backorder right after I ordered it, no problem I can wait. Friday it finally showed up and because I was such a patient person they gave me a $100 gift card for naked wines. I gave the card to my sister because I don't drink anymore.

I'm probably...
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