Today I had to laugh. The building managment is having problems with the cleaning people, they were on my floor talking. I've become friends with a couple of them and as I walked past them to go to the men's room I said hi and got a couple of hi's back. A few moments later the group of them walked into the men's room to see if its. Been cleaned. I'm standing at the urinal as they do this, 2 of the 4 are women.
Yeah, the perfect start to a day.
There was a whole bunch of "do you even knock" and "oh my God, I'm so embarrassed". Once I finished up I met them outside the one lady that I'm friends with is beet red and stuck in that place between crying and laughing. She said the most embarrassing part was that we had just said hi to each other and that she watched me walk in.
I hate the fact that I'm so much of a sucker that when a woman turns on the waterworks I start apologizing.