The boss man sent an email to a few of us who have a bunch of vacation time left. We have been able to carry 80 hours over from the previous year since I can remember. Someone in accounting wants to do away with this and make us take all of our time in the calendar year. I understand this because the company has to be liquid to cover this in case of layoffs or retirements. The email stated that the company was not going to let us carry anything into the new year and we are supposed to use it by the end of the year.
This is a thing of brilliance, wait until november to tell anyone about this. there are about 290 work hours left in the year. i will have 150 hours of vacation by the end of the year and TWO projects going out in the next five weeks. I have my yearly tow week hunting vacation planned for the first two weeks of December but if they want me to take off the month and a little extra, I don't mind.
I hope this is just an error and not the new policy. One of the project managers I work with has over 200 hours of banked time off and it would fuck us pretty hard if he wasn't available.
Gotta love policy changes without thought.