I bought a China hutch off of Craigslist today. When I was unloading it my neighbor stepped out of her apartment I guess to see what was going on. Without being asked her opinion she started in with why did you buy old stuff you should have bought something new. I bit my tongue and told her to go away. I really don't want to engage with her. This is the woman that I called the police one when her and her boyfriend were beating each other.
I got everything into my apartment and I start putting the top onto the base and I hear her voice right behind me. She walked into my apartment, not a few steps but through the living room and into the dining room. I yelled at her to get the fuck out.
I thought about calling the police but I didn't close the door behind me so that's probably not going to work.
Tomorrow I am calling building management about this.
People like this are why I don't like people.