Were I work we have a small group that does stream monitoring and they usually hire kids right out of college to do this work. I was asked to take one of the field crews trucks to our mechanic for service, no problem. The truck I was taking is used by a young lady and it is decorated with a bunch of Hello Kitty stuff, a little embarrassing but a problem.
I dont want anything to "go missing" while the truck is in the shop so I start grab all of the loose stuff from the truck and under a bunch of stuff on the passengers seat I find her collection of bras. Remind you this is a company vehicle that anyone can use. I don' know I guess they get uncomfortable by the end of the day, but this is not a good storage spot. I bagged them up and put them with everything else.
I had a very sheepish field worker stop by my cube looking for her equipment. Trying no to embarrass her or myself I told her yes I found them and they are bagged up separate and in the tote. With a very consternated face she thanked me for grabbing her stuff.
If that wasn't uncomfortable it got worse. I didnt know this at the time but her mom is one of our safety personel, she stopped by an hour later. Mom started talking to me and thanked me cleaningup after her kid and told me not to worry that she was going to yell at her some more for leaving her "clothing" laying around.
I'm waiting for the office manager to find out about all of this. He will probably die laughing.