Hey there,
Its your old friend Punkinhead, back to put some more words down.
So my life just keeps getting busier and busier. My schedule keeps getting more and more hectic. This spring/ summer is going to be insane. I bought myself a planner today so I can get a birds-eye view of what I have to do over the next couple of months, and I am genuinely afraid to start filling in the boxes . . . I'm scared to actually get a look at what all has to happen. Its manageable, but I don't see myself having a lot of down time between now and when I finish up the end of GenCon 2014.
And then I have a day like today - where it takes me all day long to do laundry, shop, run errands, get the house reasonably clean, cook dinner, and go to the gym. It all had to happen, but its ever so inconvenient. But I like hectic days, I like that feeling that I get up when I totally loose track of time and suddenly I'm starving and have no idea where my day went.
The oddest thing about my life is the work: getting paid ratio, which is way skewed. I am right now busting ass on a new project that is going to wind up taking me two months, making it my main project for two or three days a week, and a half-day thing the rest of the time. And I'm going to clear less than a thousand on it. I do it because I love it, and because I hope that it will lead to more work, which will hopefully (eventually) lead to actually earn a real living doing what I love.
Well, blog, I just got a better offer. Until next time!
Taoist thought of the day: You are yourself every day of your life.
Pet Report: I am working on my relationship with my dog. She is getting better at not chasing my cat, and that makes me happy. But she won't stay out of the garbage, and that makes me crazy. And she has a death wish - every walk we take she eventually breaks away and turns straight into traffic. She eats insane things off the ground, and tries to lick road salt up. And she jumps off the couch and lands badly all the time. I have seen her hit her head on the table, fall and land on her side = on many, many occasions I have gasped, sure I just saw my idiotic dog die from some stupid mishap, only to see her pop up and wag her tail like, what?
On the good side . . . she makes my wife extremely happy. She is so cute that every where we go people fawn all over her. She is fearless - I have seen her step to dogs four times her weight, challenge cars and big scary guys. She is strong, 14 pounds of muscle, and tough.
I am a little embarrassed by her breed. She is a Puggle - they intentional breed a pug and a beagle, and blam there you go. Me, I like mutts. I'm a mutt - Irish mom, Creole dad - and I believe in hybrid robustness. I think its a shame to breed a dog for a certain kind of look - they aren't handbags, for fuck's sake. Whenever I talk about her with new people and they ask her breed, I feel compelled to mention that she is a rescue. I don't want anyone to think that I am the kind of dickhead who would go out one day set on buying a designer pet.
Currently Digging: Blue is the Warmest Color FTW