this is the story I was workin on. what do you think?
Tristan slowly moved through the woods with his father clayborne. They are hunting for deer. Tristan loved stalking deer and enjoyed it even more when he was with his father. They come up on a glen and spot two bucks fighting.
Clayborne whispers remember we wait to see which one is the king stag. So that we do not kill him.
They both watch the battle unfold before them. As the two bucks fight for dominance. Soon the battle is over and the loser turns and runs toward them. They raise their spears waiting for the buck to get close enough. Tristan throws his spear with all the strength he has. It hits the buck in low in the chest making it stager. Clayborne rushed out of cover and slams his spear through the bucks ribcage. Soon they are on their way back to the small village they call home. As they walk clayborne talks about the battles he has fought in against niehboring tribes.
Tristan smiles and daydreams of when he will finally be able to take his place as a warrior of the silures tribe. His people are a proud warrior tribe. That calls the mountains and valleys of south whales home. Tristan is 16 winters old and in one more season will be a man. As they come into the village. They can sense a kind of fear and excitement in the air. Tristan sees his childhood friend sayer who is running to him.
Sayer is training to be a bard so he loves to tell stories. Tristans father smiles and nodes. Tristan walks up to his friend.
A bard from the southeast came to the village today. Sayer says to him.
We always have bards and druids passing through our area replied Tristan.
He had news from Gaul. He said the people there are fighting with people that call themselves Romans. The Romans are defeating all the tribes there and rumor has it they are looking to come here next. Sayers replies.
Well they will not defeat us silures Tristan retorted.
The pair laughs and head off to the feast hall to see what else they could hear. Most of the talking they could hear was about fighting the cornovii for coming in to the silures lands. All the warriors were boosting about past battles with the cornovii. One of the older warriors talked about the possibility of the young men coming with to get their first taste of battle. Tristan got a big smile thinking about getting to go into battle and being able to prove himself to his father. Tristan slapped his friend on the shoulder and headed for a group of young men that were practicing with wooden swords. As Tristan walked up uther tossed him one of the wooden swords. Uther was the champion for the prince of their village. He is 24 winters old, stood about 6 feet tall. Tristan admires uther because he is a great warrior.
Come on Tristan show me something new. Yells uther
But Tristan took his time before attacking not allowing uther to goat him into a situation that gave him the advantage. Tristan waits for uther to make the first move. When uther suddenly makes the move it was lighting fast stab for Tristans gut. At the same instant Tristan side steps and swings his sword going for uthers back. But uther was not there. Tristan feels his legs come out of under him as he falls to the ground. He automatically rolls back wards hearing a sword strike the dirt where he just was. Back on his feet he moved in on uther stabbing at his gut. Uther stepped to the side and in bringing his sword across Tristans gut. Causing Tristan to double over. Uther helped Tristan up as younger boys laughed and cheered Tristan. Most of the boys knew they wouldnt have lasted that long against uther. Tristan got ready to fight uther again. Tristan attacked first this time. Charging forward and side stepped fast as uther brought his sword down in a slash. Uthers sword hit nothing but air. Tristan stabs for uthers side but did not strike home. Bothe men spun facing each other. Uther slashes towards Tristans neck. Tristan blocks and counters with a slash for uthers leg but the leg were not there. They continue to spare one minute Tristan would seem to have the upper hand, then uther would. All of the other young men stopped practicing to watch the two fight. The other warriors started to gather and watch as they came out of the feasting hall. Finally uther got a good clean kill shot on Tristan. Every one cheered as the two hugged breathing hard. Uther said to Tristan I am glad I dont have to fight you with real swords.
Clayborne walks up and pats Tristan on the back good job son. Clayborne says
Thank you father. Tristan replies
Uther shakes Claibornes hand. Saying one day he may be holding my position if I am not careful.
Clayborne smiles with great pride while Tristan blushes.
Tristan hears some giggling off to the right seeing a group of young women smiling. A beautiful young woman from the group gives him a small wave. She has long brown hair. Similar to the color of his. Out of no where sayer appears so what does taffy think of me. He asks. As he smiles and waves at Tristans beautiful long brown haired sister.
Tristan elbows him in the ribcage. Saying you know sayer she is almost as good as me with a short sword so watch out. They both start to laugh. One of the other young warriors came up to them. So do you think we will get to go to Tristan he asks?
I hope to if the goddess wills it. Tristan replies.
Sayer pats Tristan on the shoulder and is off to do his duties as an initiate of the druid order.
Tristan says good bye to the young warrior and walks up to his sister and the other girls. He gives taffy a hug and tells her that sayer was asking about her. Taffy jabs him in the ribs as she blushes. Taffy whispers in Tristans ear that Gwyneth was hoping he would take her for a walk one night soon. Now it was Tristans turn to blush. To cover it he asks his sister if she would like to practice. Taffy gets an evil smile on her face, saying I will take you brother.
They move over to the area where the wooden swords are. Taffy chooses a short sword and Tristan picks up the medium lengthen sword. Their father watches while sitting outside the feast hall with a mug of mead. As they fight he can tell that Tristan was not fighting as hard as he did against uther. But he was not letting taffy win easily. Then Tristan upped the level. Making taffy work harder after about 10 minutes clayborne called to them. It is time to go home. Tomorrow they would be working in the fields that the family cared after. As they walked home on the far side of the palisade. Tristan asked his father about going on the raid.
Clayborne smiled saying yes you are going on the raid.
Tristan got a little more bounce to his step and a big smile on his face.
Taffy looked a little hurt cause she also wanted to go on the raid. Once they were at their house. They went in and washed their hands and face in the bowl that sat next to the door. Cordilia had just finished setting the table and was getting the food.
Taffy darling would you help me with the food. Cordilia asks. Taffy shrugs and moves over to her mother to help her. Clayborne and Tristan sit down at the table.
When will we be leaving to go on the raid? Tristan asks his father.
In about one moon replies clayborne.
Cordilia went white as she heard this news. She sat down heavily on the bench. The day that she feared had finally come. The day her son goes to battle and returns a man.
Tristan stands up and moves to his mother giving her a hug saying everything will be fine mom and I will return.
Cordilia gives a small smile and hugs Tristan back.
Tristan returns to his place at the table. They eat in silence.
Soon after finishing their supper and cleaning up. They retire to their beds.
Clayborne and Tristan rise before the dawn. Eat then head out to the fields. In the fields they work on harvesting the vegetables that are ripe. Putting them in baskets to put on the wagon. While working Tristan asks clayborne. Do you think this will be a hard battle? Clayborne replies. They are all hard in one way or another. This time we are moving deep into their land. So it will depend on if they get word of our coming. It will also depend on if we take prisoners. Because they will slow us down. Making it easier to attack us on our way home.
Okay Tristan says. I never thought of those situations.
Well youre a warrior now son you got to think about those type of things now. Because it could mean life or death. Just remember to stay alert and you will do good son. Clayborne tells him.
With in no time the sun was setting. They returned home to a hot supper. The next few days went by fast. The day to head out to the cornoviis lands is here. Clayborne and Tristan get up earlier then normal to make sure they are ready to go. Just before they left the house cordilia and taffy come into the main room giving clayborne and Tristan hugs.
Taffy whisper into Tristans ear Gwyneth was very upset last night that you have not come to ask her to go for a walk.
Tristan shrugged his shoulders then hugged his mom saying I will make you proud. Cordilia just hugged him tighter trying to hide the tears.
Clayborne pats Tristan on the back. Get your weapons and shield son he orders.
Tristan put his daggers into their sheaths and places them one in each boot. Making sure they are secure. Then picks up his war hatchet puts it in the belt holder next to his sword on his right hip. Tristan shoulders his pack with his shield attached to it and picks up his war hammer.
Clayborne and Tristan walked out the door and more toward the main gate. They join other warriors. Tristan sees sayer with a group of younger warriors. He walks over and pats sayer on the shoulder. Are you going with us sayer he asks?
Yes I am going with the lead bards to learn what stories to tell. To inspire you to fight harder and braver. Sayer replies.
Really do I need you to make me fight better Tristan asked?
Yes to make you to want to do even greater deeds. Sayer retorts.
Tristan laughs and punches sayer in shoulder. I dont think I will need any help there. Because I want to do so good for my father. Tristan replies
The group of warriors are finally gathered and they start to head out of the village. The younger warriors were in the rear of the group. Talking and laughing as the moved through the country side they call home. After a few hours the young warriors quited down. Some of the young warriors were not used to walking with so much weight on their back. Around midday the group came to a creek where they stopped to eat.
Uther came up to Tristan just as he finished eating. Tristan get your gear on we are moving out now. I want to see how you do with scouting. Uther tells him.
Tristan jumps up and is excited as can be. He knows that a first time warrior like him never gets to be the scouts.
Why am I going out as a scout? he asks uther
Because youre a great tracker. Everyone in the village knows this. We are getting close to the boarder of our lands. So we need to be on the look out for any tracks. That is why I asked that you join me. Uther replied
They walked for a while in silence. While Tristan thought of how important this was for him. He knew he needed to do better then he has ever done. All the warriors were counting on him and uther. To spot any danger before they were spoted.
Tristan are you okay? Uther asks.
Yes I am just realizing how much you and everyone else is depending on me. I just dont want to fail everyone. Tristan says.
You wont Tristan all you have to do is think that your hunting. Just look for human tracks not deer. I know you can do it with out thinking. Uther tells him.
Tristan smiles as he feels better knowing that uther trusts him so much.
How far ahead of the others will we be uther? He asks.
Well we will be about quarter of a day ahead of them. There will be one more group of scouts closer to the main group so if we do run into trouble we can get back to help. There is also a group out to the left and right and rear of the group. Replies uther.
As they walked Tristan looked for any sign that anything had past through the area. He could see that a good number of deer had some trails. He also noticed that there was a big cat in the area as well. It had crossed their path about 4 hours earlier. As they kept moving Tristan got alittle more jumpy. They finally came to where they would camp tonight. Tristan was very happy for this, because that ment some one else would be on guard. It ment that he could relax also see his father again. Once he was done eating his meal he realized just how tired he was. Tristan decided to lay down to sleep. That night Tristan had a real strong dream. He saw a woman in his dream that was the most beautiful he had ever seen. But the dream was jumbled. He could not make sense of it.
When he woke up what he could remember was a mess. It seemed that at times she was mad at him then he did not even exist to her. Finally she acted like she loved him. As he ate his morning meal the dream was still bothering him. Even as Tristan and uther were packing he was still thinking of the dream.
What is got your mind so busy Tristan? Uther asks
This strange dream I had last night uther. I just dont understand what it is telling me. As Tristan explained to uther what happened in his dream. Tristan actually started to blush. Thinking about the beautiful woman made him blush even more.
Seeing this uther changed the subject to about the days tasks ahead. Uther explained that they are leaving a long time before the others. So that they can move slower. so that we can be more careful looking for signs. Once they were out of sight of the others.
Uther started talking. Maybe the woman in your dream is your soul mate Tristan. I had a dream similar to that one time. But when I found the woman she was dead. I have not another dream yet. So I may never find my soul mate now. So if you do find her dont let her out of your sight. Protect her as best you can even if she doesnt know it. Or if she pushes you away. Still help and protect her. Uther says to Tristan.
Tristan smiles and gets to work and looking for any signs of the corivonii may be in the area. They slowly move on towards the large village that they are going to raid. Around mid day Tristan stoped he could smell some thing. Uther asks what is it. You jumpy again Tristan?
No do you smell that? Tristan asks
Yes I do. It is a cooking fire. Good nose Tristan. Lets find where it is coming from. Hopefully there are only two or three men there.
The two slowly moved to the left of where they were. They lost the sent so they moved back to the right. Once they picked up the smell again they followed it. As the smell grew they slowed down. They moved very caustously until they could also hear voices. Soon they were looking at the three men as they cooked. Uther signaled Tristan to move back so they could figure out what to do. They both moved back. Once they were far enough away. Uther explained what they were going to do to get rid of these 3 before they realized that the silures were in their lands. They split up and moved to each side. Uther attacks first and as the other two men were reacting. Tristan came up with his war hachet throwing it as he came running from cover. The hachet hit its mark nocking the man down. By the time the third guy knew what was going on a sword from uther was going into his gut. Tristans war hammer was coming down on the poor mans head. As uther and Tristan cleaned their weapons they were figuring out how they would hid the bodies. They finally decide to just look for a good spot to cover them up and hid them. Soon all the bodies were hiddin and the two warriors were on there way again. Uther and Tristan made good time and didnt find any other tracks by the time the sun was setting. As the rest of the war party came in and settled in for the night, sending out the guards. Clayborne came up to Tristan and pated him on the shoulder asking how he was doing.
I am doing good father. Tristan replies
That is good I know it is not easy when it is your first time. So I just wanted to make sure your okay. I noticed that your aim with your hachet is still incredible. Clayborne says.
Father is it so easy to kill and then so painful after wards? Tristan asks
Yes it is at first son. As you fight more and kill more it will not hurt so much. Clayborne replies.
I hope that is true. Tristan says.
Tristan ate his meal in silence. Thinking about all that happened this day. He relized that he didnt even really think when he was fighting. As he replayed the battle in his head. He fell into a deep sleep. Tristan awoke in the early hours of the morning from a vivid dream. The main thing that he remembered was a young woman that he thought was more beautiful then any he new. As Tristan was getting the fire going he tried to remember more of the dream and her name if she has one. Once the fire was going he set to fixing grul for uther and himself. As the smell of the food cooking began to come out out of the pot. Uther came over to the fire.
So Tristan who is Morgana? Uther askes
I dont know why do you ask me? Replies Tristan.
Well you called the name just as you woke up. Uther replies
I did? I dont remember saying anything. I did have a dream and there was a girl in it. Tristan says.
Tell me about the dream. Uther says with a look of interest.
Well it started with the raid. You and I were on the outer edge of the farm lands. In the woods but there was a mist on the ground. I saw her in the fields praying to the goddess for a good harvest. When for some reason she looked right at me. As if she could see me. Even though I was hidden in the woods and the mist. But I swear that she saw me. For some reason she did not say anything to raise the alarm that we were there. I dont know what it means uther. Replies Tristan.
Uther rubs his chin thinking. Well I am not a druid or priestess. So I am not sure. Maybe she is your soulpartner. Uther says.
Why would I have a soul partner that is from a different tribe though? Asks Tristan.
I can not say for sure. But her soul and yours may have known each other in another life. I cant say if it is as a friend or lover. But do not think on it to hard. We will soon find out. You and I will be pushing hard today. We will be there in the early morning. Uther replies.
Well the grul is done so we better eat and head out. If we are to make it there when you said we would. Tristan said.
Tristan filled both of their bowls and they ate in silence.
Tristan slowly moved through the woods with his father clayborne. They are hunting for deer. Tristan loved stalking deer and enjoyed it even more when he was with his father. They come up on a glen and spot two bucks fighting.
Clayborne whispers remember we wait to see which one is the king stag. So that we do not kill him.
They both watch the battle unfold before them. As the two bucks fight for dominance. Soon the battle is over and the loser turns and runs toward them. They raise their spears waiting for the buck to get close enough. Tristan throws his spear with all the strength he has. It hits the buck in low in the chest making it stager. Clayborne rushed out of cover and slams his spear through the bucks ribcage. Soon they are on their way back to the small village they call home. As they walk clayborne talks about the battles he has fought in against niehboring tribes.
Tristan smiles and daydreams of when he will finally be able to take his place as a warrior of the silures tribe. His people are a proud warrior tribe. That calls the mountains and valleys of south whales home. Tristan is 16 winters old and in one more season will be a man. As they come into the village. They can sense a kind of fear and excitement in the air. Tristan sees his childhood friend sayer who is running to him.
Sayer is training to be a bard so he loves to tell stories. Tristans father smiles and nodes. Tristan walks up to his friend.
A bard from the southeast came to the village today. Sayer says to him.
We always have bards and druids passing through our area replied Tristan.
He had news from Gaul. He said the people there are fighting with people that call themselves Romans. The Romans are defeating all the tribes there and rumor has it they are looking to come here next. Sayers replies.
Well they will not defeat us silures Tristan retorted.
The pair laughs and head off to the feast hall to see what else they could hear. Most of the talking they could hear was about fighting the cornovii for coming in to the silures lands. All the warriors were boosting about past battles with the cornovii. One of the older warriors talked about the possibility of the young men coming with to get their first taste of battle. Tristan got a big smile thinking about getting to go into battle and being able to prove himself to his father. Tristan slapped his friend on the shoulder and headed for a group of young men that were practicing with wooden swords. As Tristan walked up uther tossed him one of the wooden swords. Uther was the champion for the prince of their village. He is 24 winters old, stood about 6 feet tall. Tristan admires uther because he is a great warrior.
Come on Tristan show me something new. Yells uther
But Tristan took his time before attacking not allowing uther to goat him into a situation that gave him the advantage. Tristan waits for uther to make the first move. When uther suddenly makes the move it was lighting fast stab for Tristans gut. At the same instant Tristan side steps and swings his sword going for uthers back. But uther was not there. Tristan feels his legs come out of under him as he falls to the ground. He automatically rolls back wards hearing a sword strike the dirt where he just was. Back on his feet he moved in on uther stabbing at his gut. Uther stepped to the side and in bringing his sword across Tristans gut. Causing Tristan to double over. Uther helped Tristan up as younger boys laughed and cheered Tristan. Most of the boys knew they wouldnt have lasted that long against uther. Tristan got ready to fight uther again. Tristan attacked first this time. Charging forward and side stepped fast as uther brought his sword down in a slash. Uthers sword hit nothing but air. Tristan stabs for uthers side but did not strike home. Bothe men spun facing each other. Uther slashes towards Tristans neck. Tristan blocks and counters with a slash for uthers leg but the leg were not there. They continue to spare one minute Tristan would seem to have the upper hand, then uther would. All of the other young men stopped practicing to watch the two fight. The other warriors started to gather and watch as they came out of the feasting hall. Finally uther got a good clean kill shot on Tristan. Every one cheered as the two hugged breathing hard. Uther said to Tristan I am glad I dont have to fight you with real swords.
Clayborne walks up and pats Tristan on the back good job son. Clayborne says
Thank you father. Tristan replies
Uther shakes Claibornes hand. Saying one day he may be holding my position if I am not careful.
Clayborne smiles with great pride while Tristan blushes.
Tristan hears some giggling off to the right seeing a group of young women smiling. A beautiful young woman from the group gives him a small wave. She has long brown hair. Similar to the color of his. Out of no where sayer appears so what does taffy think of me. He asks. As he smiles and waves at Tristans beautiful long brown haired sister.
Tristan elbows him in the ribcage. Saying you know sayer she is almost as good as me with a short sword so watch out. They both start to laugh. One of the other young warriors came up to them. So do you think we will get to go to Tristan he asks?
I hope to if the goddess wills it. Tristan replies.
Sayer pats Tristan on the shoulder and is off to do his duties as an initiate of the druid order.
Tristan says good bye to the young warrior and walks up to his sister and the other girls. He gives taffy a hug and tells her that sayer was asking about her. Taffy jabs him in the ribs as she blushes. Taffy whispers in Tristans ear that Gwyneth was hoping he would take her for a walk one night soon. Now it was Tristans turn to blush. To cover it he asks his sister if she would like to practice. Taffy gets an evil smile on her face, saying I will take you brother.
They move over to the area where the wooden swords are. Taffy chooses a short sword and Tristan picks up the medium lengthen sword. Their father watches while sitting outside the feast hall with a mug of mead. As they fight he can tell that Tristan was not fighting as hard as he did against uther. But he was not letting taffy win easily. Then Tristan upped the level. Making taffy work harder after about 10 minutes clayborne called to them. It is time to go home. Tomorrow they would be working in the fields that the family cared after. As they walked home on the far side of the palisade. Tristan asked his father about going on the raid.
Clayborne smiled saying yes you are going on the raid.
Tristan got a little more bounce to his step and a big smile on his face.
Taffy looked a little hurt cause she also wanted to go on the raid. Once they were at their house. They went in and washed their hands and face in the bowl that sat next to the door. Cordilia had just finished setting the table and was getting the food.
Taffy darling would you help me with the food. Cordilia asks. Taffy shrugs and moves over to her mother to help her. Clayborne and Tristan sit down at the table.
When will we be leaving to go on the raid? Tristan asks his father.
In about one moon replies clayborne.
Cordilia went white as she heard this news. She sat down heavily on the bench. The day that she feared had finally come. The day her son goes to battle and returns a man.
Tristan stands up and moves to his mother giving her a hug saying everything will be fine mom and I will return.
Cordilia gives a small smile and hugs Tristan back.
Tristan returns to his place at the table. They eat in silence.
Soon after finishing their supper and cleaning up. They retire to their beds.
Clayborne and Tristan rise before the dawn. Eat then head out to the fields. In the fields they work on harvesting the vegetables that are ripe. Putting them in baskets to put on the wagon. While working Tristan asks clayborne. Do you think this will be a hard battle? Clayborne replies. They are all hard in one way or another. This time we are moving deep into their land. So it will depend on if they get word of our coming. It will also depend on if we take prisoners. Because they will slow us down. Making it easier to attack us on our way home.
Okay Tristan says. I never thought of those situations.
Well youre a warrior now son you got to think about those type of things now. Because it could mean life or death. Just remember to stay alert and you will do good son. Clayborne tells him.
With in no time the sun was setting. They returned home to a hot supper. The next few days went by fast. The day to head out to the cornoviis lands is here. Clayborne and Tristan get up earlier then normal to make sure they are ready to go. Just before they left the house cordilia and taffy come into the main room giving clayborne and Tristan hugs.
Taffy whisper into Tristans ear Gwyneth was very upset last night that you have not come to ask her to go for a walk.
Tristan shrugged his shoulders then hugged his mom saying I will make you proud. Cordilia just hugged him tighter trying to hide the tears.
Clayborne pats Tristan on the back. Get your weapons and shield son he orders.
Tristan put his daggers into their sheaths and places them one in each boot. Making sure they are secure. Then picks up his war hatchet puts it in the belt holder next to his sword on his right hip. Tristan shoulders his pack with his shield attached to it and picks up his war hammer.
Clayborne and Tristan walked out the door and more toward the main gate. They join other warriors. Tristan sees sayer with a group of younger warriors. He walks over and pats sayer on the shoulder. Are you going with us sayer he asks?
Yes I am going with the lead bards to learn what stories to tell. To inspire you to fight harder and braver. Sayer replies.
Really do I need you to make me fight better Tristan asked?
Yes to make you to want to do even greater deeds. Sayer retorts.
Tristan laughs and punches sayer in shoulder. I dont think I will need any help there. Because I want to do so good for my father. Tristan replies
The group of warriors are finally gathered and they start to head out of the village. The younger warriors were in the rear of the group. Talking and laughing as the moved through the country side they call home. After a few hours the young warriors quited down. Some of the young warriors were not used to walking with so much weight on their back. Around midday the group came to a creek where they stopped to eat.
Uther came up to Tristan just as he finished eating. Tristan get your gear on we are moving out now. I want to see how you do with scouting. Uther tells him.
Tristan jumps up and is excited as can be. He knows that a first time warrior like him never gets to be the scouts.
Why am I going out as a scout? he asks uther
Because youre a great tracker. Everyone in the village knows this. We are getting close to the boarder of our lands. So we need to be on the look out for any tracks. That is why I asked that you join me. Uther replied
They walked for a while in silence. While Tristan thought of how important this was for him. He knew he needed to do better then he has ever done. All the warriors were counting on him and uther. To spot any danger before they were spoted.
Tristan are you okay? Uther asks.
Yes I am just realizing how much you and everyone else is depending on me. I just dont want to fail everyone. Tristan says.
You wont Tristan all you have to do is think that your hunting. Just look for human tracks not deer. I know you can do it with out thinking. Uther tells him.
Tristan smiles as he feels better knowing that uther trusts him so much.
How far ahead of the others will we be uther? He asks.
Well we will be about quarter of a day ahead of them. There will be one more group of scouts closer to the main group so if we do run into trouble we can get back to help. There is also a group out to the left and right and rear of the group. Replies uther.
As they walked Tristan looked for any sign that anything had past through the area. He could see that a good number of deer had some trails. He also noticed that there was a big cat in the area as well. It had crossed their path about 4 hours earlier. As they kept moving Tristan got alittle more jumpy. They finally came to where they would camp tonight. Tristan was very happy for this, because that ment some one else would be on guard. It ment that he could relax also see his father again. Once he was done eating his meal he realized just how tired he was. Tristan decided to lay down to sleep. That night Tristan had a real strong dream. He saw a woman in his dream that was the most beautiful he had ever seen. But the dream was jumbled. He could not make sense of it.
When he woke up what he could remember was a mess. It seemed that at times she was mad at him then he did not even exist to her. Finally she acted like she loved him. As he ate his morning meal the dream was still bothering him. Even as Tristan and uther were packing he was still thinking of the dream.
What is got your mind so busy Tristan? Uther asks
This strange dream I had last night uther. I just dont understand what it is telling me. As Tristan explained to uther what happened in his dream. Tristan actually started to blush. Thinking about the beautiful woman made him blush even more.
Seeing this uther changed the subject to about the days tasks ahead. Uther explained that they are leaving a long time before the others. So that they can move slower. so that we can be more careful looking for signs. Once they were out of sight of the others.
Uther started talking. Maybe the woman in your dream is your soul mate Tristan. I had a dream similar to that one time. But when I found the woman she was dead. I have not another dream yet. So I may never find my soul mate now. So if you do find her dont let her out of your sight. Protect her as best you can even if she doesnt know it. Or if she pushes you away. Still help and protect her. Uther says to Tristan.
Tristan smiles and gets to work and looking for any signs of the corivonii may be in the area. They slowly move on towards the large village that they are going to raid. Around mid day Tristan stoped he could smell some thing. Uther asks what is it. You jumpy again Tristan?
No do you smell that? Tristan asks
Yes I do. It is a cooking fire. Good nose Tristan. Lets find where it is coming from. Hopefully there are only two or three men there.
The two slowly moved to the left of where they were. They lost the sent so they moved back to the right. Once they picked up the smell again they followed it. As the smell grew they slowed down. They moved very caustously until they could also hear voices. Soon they were looking at the three men as they cooked. Uther signaled Tristan to move back so they could figure out what to do. They both moved back. Once they were far enough away. Uther explained what they were going to do to get rid of these 3 before they realized that the silures were in their lands. They split up and moved to each side. Uther attacks first and as the other two men were reacting. Tristan came up with his war hachet throwing it as he came running from cover. The hachet hit its mark nocking the man down. By the time the third guy knew what was going on a sword from uther was going into his gut. Tristans war hammer was coming down on the poor mans head. As uther and Tristan cleaned their weapons they were figuring out how they would hid the bodies. They finally decide to just look for a good spot to cover them up and hid them. Soon all the bodies were hiddin and the two warriors were on there way again. Uther and Tristan made good time and didnt find any other tracks by the time the sun was setting. As the rest of the war party came in and settled in for the night, sending out the guards. Clayborne came up to Tristan and pated him on the shoulder asking how he was doing.
I am doing good father. Tristan replies
That is good I know it is not easy when it is your first time. So I just wanted to make sure your okay. I noticed that your aim with your hachet is still incredible. Clayborne says.
Father is it so easy to kill and then so painful after wards? Tristan asks
Yes it is at first son. As you fight more and kill more it will not hurt so much. Clayborne replies.
I hope that is true. Tristan says.
Tristan ate his meal in silence. Thinking about all that happened this day. He relized that he didnt even really think when he was fighting. As he replayed the battle in his head. He fell into a deep sleep. Tristan awoke in the early hours of the morning from a vivid dream. The main thing that he remembered was a young woman that he thought was more beautiful then any he new. As Tristan was getting the fire going he tried to remember more of the dream and her name if she has one. Once the fire was going he set to fixing grul for uther and himself. As the smell of the food cooking began to come out out of the pot. Uther came over to the fire.
So Tristan who is Morgana? Uther askes
I dont know why do you ask me? Replies Tristan.
Well you called the name just as you woke up. Uther replies
I did? I dont remember saying anything. I did have a dream and there was a girl in it. Tristan says.
Tell me about the dream. Uther says with a look of interest.
Well it started with the raid. You and I were on the outer edge of the farm lands. In the woods but there was a mist on the ground. I saw her in the fields praying to the goddess for a good harvest. When for some reason she looked right at me. As if she could see me. Even though I was hidden in the woods and the mist. But I swear that she saw me. For some reason she did not say anything to raise the alarm that we were there. I dont know what it means uther. Replies Tristan.
Uther rubs his chin thinking. Well I am not a druid or priestess. So I am not sure. Maybe she is your soulpartner. Uther says.
Why would I have a soul partner that is from a different tribe though? Asks Tristan.
I can not say for sure. But her soul and yours may have known each other in another life. I cant say if it is as a friend or lover. But do not think on it to hard. We will soon find out. You and I will be pushing hard today. We will be there in the early morning. Uther replies.
Well the grul is done so we better eat and head out. If we are to make it there when you said we would. Tristan said.
Tristan filled both of their bowls and they ate in silence.
mmbut I get my machine back next week so I will be harassing you soon.