ok so i haven't updated in what seems like forever...i've been busy!! moving fucking sucked...SINCITYPUNK and his sister are the only people that fucking helped!!! my supposed best friend didn't even show up with her boyfriend until 2...when ofcourse we were 90% done!!! WTF is up with people i really dislike the majority of them...i think my next tat is going to be Fuck The World!!! i've decided i'm going to stop being nice to people...people are never there when you need them!!! thank god sincity and his sis helped or would have been in a world of trouble...he is fucking great to me!!! i love him sooo much...it's weird...i never thought i'd meet anyone that i cared about so much...things happened fast but it's great...he actually treats me well...and the fucking sex is beyond great!!! he does things...things i tell you..haha!!! well now that you all know about my sex life...how is your's haha!!! anyway everyone takecare!!! hugs and kisses to all!!!

I could have written a whole post like yours about 3 weeks ago when I moved ... except insert NolefDetnaw from Mr. Sin and yeah ... the sex is fan-fucking-tastic!