I was tossed last night. I keep trying to think of everything that happened..trying to make sure I didnt do anything or make a complete ass of myself somewhere. Oh what the hell.. Im sure I did! No need to dwell. I feel like a pile of shite today and I have a paper do on Monday...tell me why did I sign up for summer...
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I know how you feel, the summer school thing is killing me as well, I'm doing two courses...now THAT is retarded

Hmmm, I hope that by "tossed" you mean like, drunk and not as in you got literally tossed out of someplace...like a bar. Of course, I guess that the two could go hand in hand quite easily. I like to make an ass out of myself, it makes for funny memories..and very memorable. Actually, I wish I maed an ass of myself more often now that I think of it. Hope work, school, and social life get better!
Life truely does suck I think... I went out with people from work tonight. We went to a fucking bar and I met this HoT Young thing of a man.....but NOOOo they are ready to Go right when he and I get started talkin..god that shit pisses me off. I mean what if.. y'know what if.. he was the one..Yeah Right I know who my...
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Welcome Back! Um..Kotter. I know how you feel, I meet tons of hot guys and then it goes nowhere..lol. Really tho', it does suck when your friends are ready to go..especially if they've been there way too long, and then finally you wanna be there. Speaking of to tired to make sense..lol...Glad, and stunned, that you're back...

Whoa, I thought you'd disappeared. Nice to know you're still here

I wish I was'nt a night owl. I have to be @ work soon! Why O Why did I sign up for overtime is beyond me...ArG
Been kinda sad lately about things rather unsaid..It is impossible to sleep..... my mind is running a mile a second.
why did you have this affect on me
Why O Why
Been kinda sad lately about things rather unsaid..It is impossible to sleep..... my mind is running a mile a second.
why did you have this affect on me
Why O Why

Aloha babe! So it looks lke I'm not the only one who hasn't been computing much..in more ways than one. No real reason, I guess that for myself I just stated to feel like I was on too much...but I guess I'm okay. And anyway, I do actually dig some of the stuff on the 'net. I guess that at times I start to feel ultra-loserish about it all. I dunno, I guess I'll have to call you soon to know what's shakin'! Keep it real..PS, don;t forget that the Dwarves are playing your town in a day or so...( I missed them here..I was too sick.

Taking off huh? Well, I guess I can understand...it's probably not worth the money for you, especially if you have the MySpace thing. And it's never really "wierd" talking to you..at least I didn' think so. I dunno. You missed the Dwarves too huh? That sucks, but probably not as much as me missing it does. And ya know, I'm always sick..I think I'm a sickly kinda guy.
lol. Okay, talk to you later!

Ahh..Fuck It. I guess I'm staying! I love this site. What was I thinkin'...
I need somewhere I can post my random thoughts of shit!

I've been having the same dilemma, whether to renew or not. The site is what it is. It's cool though. There's a lot of really cool people, tons of interesting shit to read, beautiful, tattoo'd/pierced women, etc...
Yeah, I think I'll keep it rollin' too
Yeah, I think I'll keep it rollin' too

Ya know, BOYZ 2 Men got it right..It really is so hard to say goodbye.
I'm glad you're staying..I never think about it too much, I guess mine gets renewed automaticaly, so it's decided for me before I think about it. Plus, where else are you gonna get your naked tattooed chick fetish filled? I like some stuff like the MySpace thing okay, but this is so much easier to figure out...and it doesn't give youo tons of pop-ups!
Yeah, Jason went through some shit..sound like anyone else we know? lol. Actually, I seem to know a lot of younger people that are already divorced. I guess it's good that none of them had kids...that's way more complicated. By the way, you look really good in those pics with Erick!

im going to be leaving for awhile...But I shall be back
... and you seemed pretty cool too.

What the fuck? Leaving again? What happened in your life to bring upon this change?

another day another $
Thatnks for wishing me well on my birthday!
Aloha! Just got back from visiting a friend in Houston had a blast! I knew it was humid there but GOOD GOD you cant breath in that place..My lungs were screaming 'HelP'..other than that though it was a great time! I have a new appreciation for the dry heat now!!! blah blah not much else. Hope all is well!!

I hate Texas whenever I'm there. I like the idea of Texas, but yeah... that place sucks to spend too much time in.
I actually bailed on a trip to Houston last weekend.
I actually bailed on a trip to Houston last weekend.
humidity is the scorn of the south...drip drip

Gotta hate having an on/off button, i thought everyone had em but apparently not?
Good luck finding what ya looking for, and spewing mexico didnt work out.
Good luck finding what ya looking for, and spewing mexico didnt work out.
You're growing cold! Just kidding, I think you're just living, and that has good moments, great moments, happy moments, sad moments, love, love lost, good ideas, big mistakes, etc. And you know what, I think that in the end it all kinda rocked. Even the bad parts..it usually ends up all good...if you let it finish. Lifes so fast tho', that really pisses me off. I've been thinking of how to become immortal and I figured it out so long ago, now I just need to act on it. I'm so lazy tho'..I guess just like everyone else I'll leave it till tomorrow. Hey, I hope you have a good time at Ericks!!!!!!!
Aloha! It has been forever since my last update. So my half sister came to visit and all went really well. Ill try and post some picts. I dont know what I was so nervous about.
School is over.. YaY For awhile anyway! Good times. Next weekend me and some friends are renting a haceinda (condo)in Mexico..I cant wait to be on the beach with...
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School is over.. YaY For awhile anyway! Good times. Next weekend me and some friends are renting a haceinda (condo)in Mexico..I cant wait to be on the beach with...
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Fuck...How awesome does that sound? I mean, Mexican Vacation...that rocks. I need to go there..I think you really need to get way down south tho' to get to the really nice parts, so even tho' I'm close..I'm not too close to that part. I guess there are a few places somewhat close I should try out tho'..I need debauchery!!!!!!!!!! Color me jealous..lol. Good to hear that the sister thing went off really well...hope the Mexico thing is equally cool! Stay outta jail!
Actually, I leave tomorrow morning. So I'm getting pretty excited about it. I still like Propagadhi but I just hadn't listened to them in a while. They still rock..but I bought a newer one buy them and so far ( I need to give it a few more listens..) it ain't too cool. So no Mexico huh? That sucks! At least I don;t have to be jealous of you tho'..so that's a plus! lol
Howdy there folks..okay yeah I really dont speak that way..lol. I guess it's been awhile since my last post not that I really have anything important or enlightening to say...but RocknRolJesus668 seemed to want an update so anything for you babe. My half sister is coming to visit on the 21st and I'm nervous as all hell, seeing as how I have only met her...
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Dude, drive your ass over and hang out with us San Diego peeps!
Yeah, the Hawaii thing was kinda up in the air for a while, kept going back and forth about it ya know? It's official now tho', which means my Dad won;t be coming here in May...but that's okay, I'll see him in September..talk to ya later! And hey, you're really starting to hook up a San Diego connection...you're more popular here than I am..and I live here! Shit, don't I feel lame.