privilege number one of working in scan is that sometimes instead taking a ten minute break like we are supposed to we take a forty minute break like we did today. it helped that the store director was gone and not eyeing us suspiciously as is her usual. that helps a lot. should be asleep right now. worked from four to eight this morning and have to be back into work at midnight. tried to sleep but it's just not happening. i even tried to bore myself to sleep with mid-day television but nothing came of it. still very anxious most of the time.
More Blogs
Saturday Jan 13, 2007
so my attempts to befriend someone a work are being met with resistan… -
Wednesday Jan 10, 2007
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Sunday Jan 07, 2007
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Saturday Jan 06, 2007
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Thursday Jan 04, 2007
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Friday Dec 29, 2006
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Tuesday Dec 26, 2006
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Friday Dec 22, 2006
i'm am pretty sure i will be going to work tomorrow short of vomiting… -
Friday Dec 22, 2006
i had to leave work an hour early yesterday because i am sick as shit… -
Sunday Dec 17, 2006
today wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be. actually, it was…
Thanks for the hug. It's funny how much something like that can actually pick my spirits up.