privilege number one of working in scan is that sometimes instead taking a ten minute break like we are supposed to we take a forty minute break like we did today. it helped that the store director was gone and not eyeing us suspiciously as is her usual. that helps a lot. should be asleep right now. worked from four to eight this morning and have to be back into work at midnight. tried to sleep but it's just not happening. i even tried to bore myself to sleep with mid-day television but nothing came of it. still very anxious most of the time.
More Blogs
Sunday Mar 18, 2007
it's easier to write the things you can't say, even if they are the w… -
Sunday Mar 18, 2007
i'm still wearing last night's eyeliner. it was a good evening. -
Saturday Mar 17, 2007
got my schedule for next week. i work 7am-2:30 pm on my birthday. fuc… -
Saturday Mar 17, 2007
walking around. talking too loud. got the music on. -
Thursday Mar 15, 2007
it's going to be one of those nights. i hope joe decideds to sleep at… -
Wednesday Mar 14, 2007
the sucktasticness continues. changed the ringtone on my phone, the o… -
Tuesday Mar 13, 2007
so i was sitting in the car with jax and kelsey and kelsey says, "wha… -
Monday Mar 12, 2007
i have spent a lot of time asking myself what to do next and today i … -
Sunday Mar 11, 2007
i feel like an asshole -
Friday Mar 09, 2007
today was the first day of therapy and it was good. the lady is reall…
Thanks for the hug. It's funny how much something like that can actually pick my spirits up.