must stop spending the monies on cool manicurist stuff. but the stuff is so cool. so ive gone missing for like three days. school is good, the days are long and it gets hot as hell in that building but i learn a lot. today i watched two demos and did two oil manicures and read the chapter on manicuring. i did a manicure on a girl named alex, she is awesome. yeah, id start switch hitting for her. anyway, all the girls ive talked to seem pretty cool, its weird how the younger ones are so openly curious about my tattoos and stuff, they ask all sorts of questions. i try to answer as openly and honestly as possible, i could try to be cool and say that none of it hurt and than ive never had any problems with my piercings or anything but that would be a lie. even though these girls are only a few years younger than me i feel it is important not to over glamorize being older. and im not trying to sound like a pretentious prick. some of these girls are only seventeen or so and are spending their summers going to school from 8:30 to 5:00 and then working from 6:00 to midnight. there are also a ton of older ladies, and by older i mean older than my mom who is only thirty-eight. there are very few girls there that are my age. there are only two guys in the whole group, one of which will hopefully be doing my eyebrows once they grow back in. speaking of my eyebrows, im trying hard to let them grow but they are starting to look like shit and my resolve is weakening. mrs. maria is the best, she is super sweet and all the girls love her. unfortunately i deal with another instructor more often than not and she kind of sucks. oh well. on thursdays we do this thing called personal service, where you pair up with one or two people and trade off doing various services for each other. for example, yesterday liz gave me some bad ass finger-waves and then i gave her a manicure. i also found out that if i buy the color for my hair the students can apply it for me for only seven dollars. being the only manicurist i pretty much get my pick of models for manicures and what not. so yeah, ive been pretty busy, for the last couple days ive had nails on the brain, i just want to succeed so badly. im trying hard to learn all i can. we have decided to euthanize mikey on monday, he isnt getting better, he thows up ever time we force feed him, he even throws up when he hasnt eaten (the extra bile in his system). he is completely withdrawn, he sits in the same spot under my bedroom window all day long and only moves to go to the bathroom, when i pick him up he goes limp in my arms like a sad kitty rag doll. the vets office has been unresponsive to our attempts to speak with someone/anyone about whats going on with mikey. i called them and proceeded to start ripping someone a new one until i was promptly put on hold, and after being on hold for a while i hung up, the whole thing was useless. at any rate i am totally bummed about mikey and am going to love on him hardcore until monday morning. i love that animal, this is depressing.
More Blogs
Monday Sep 29, 2008
greetings and salutations -
Friday Dec 07, 2007
thanks. -
Thursday Dec 06, 2007
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Monday Dec 03, 2007
5 days to life. my cats went outside for the first time yesterday, un… -
Friday Nov 30, 2007
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Saturday Nov 17, 2007
corn bread for breakfast. killing time until work at 2. the holidays … -
Friday Nov 16, 2007
well...that was not how i wanted to wake up this morning. -
Friday Nov 09, 2007
i'm not sure that my current healthy life is in actuality any more he… -
Monday Nov 05, 2007
my fever is back and i have to be to work in three hours. sweet.
its so good to be learning new stuff and having that option to focus as much as you want on applying yourself to something which is of benefit to your own future
as opposed to just working for someone and making them money
also sorry to read about mikey
i grew up on a farm so had 18 years of my life seeing animals i loved come and go
every possible type of animal death
i guess its all part of the fragility of being
nothing lasts forever
I am VERY SAD about hearing about Mikey. Now I understand why the depression. I am like that with MY pets as well. My SISTER just had to do this about 2 months ago with her dog Sesame She was almost 17. When they did the injection my sister was with her she was holding her untill she passed.
I think that you should do the same .When they are doing the injection be with Mikey. be HOLDING him so that he KNOWS that you love him Right up till the end.
I know it will be hard. but its the best for BOTH of you.
I will be thinking of you and Mikey on monday.