I want control, I need it and yet my life seems to be spiraling out of it. I have always been a firm believer that we can control most things in our lives...I am finding this to be an unsettling falsification on my part. Why have I been so blind to this reality recently..no one really has control over anything, you may think you do,...
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I am who I am, I make no excuses for my mistakes, I own up to them and face them head on with diligence until they are resolved and I have learned to be a better me.....love me or hate me nothing about me will ever change without my consent!

I have not lived by those words much in the recent past, I have been...
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Who would want to change you, you are who you are and that is the best thing about us all
I am often lost in my own madness....always query to how others function; like a mad scientist for the human psyche. I need to know why people hurt, why they fear, love and laugh, steal and rape (as if there is a difference) What makes one survive and thrive in times of pain and suffering while others cower and blame the world for their misfortune....
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