Well hello kiddies!
This will be my last posting as a prisoner/slave. I am a free man as of March 6. The problem is, I'm going to Prescott Arizona, and don't really know anyone out there. My plan as of now is ta drink beer n whiskey and shoot prarie dogs an other 4 legged critters all day until the fall semester starts. If any...
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This will be my last posting as a prisoner/slave. I am a free man as of March 6. The problem is, I'm going to Prescott Arizona, and don't really know anyone out there. My plan as of now is ta drink beer n whiskey and shoot prarie dogs an other 4 legged critters all day until the fall semester starts. If any...
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Well if you are heading to AZ, There are SOME psychobilly shows in Phoenix at the Mason Jar and in Scottsdale at the Rouge. Don't know if these cities are close to Prescott at all
Good luck darlin!

Well, kiddies, sorry I've been away fer so long. I will try ta post the sad-assed pics before too long. Anywho, shit just ain't workin out for me in ought-4. not ta play my little fiddle or anythin, but I ain't too happy with the way shit's been goin. i just got my Caddy out of impound today, had a shitload of assholes ta work...
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I got denied at the fricken boston show because it was sold out...but from what I hear, it was the same problem. Bad venue for a burlesque show, where the whole point is to actually SEE the nekkid ladies!
Sorry to here that the show sucked.
whanted to stop by and see hoe things are going for ya
whanted to stop by and see hoe things are going for ya

Heya kids!
Well, it's New Year's Eve, which is actually an exciting time for me. As of midnight tonight, I've got exactly 2 months, 5 days left in the Marine Corps. Any of you folks out there that have been ta prison can understand why I'm so excited. It will have been like a 9 year prison sentence. Where people shoot at ya. It has...
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Well, it's New Year's Eve, which is actually an exciting time for me. As of midnight tonight, I've got exactly 2 months, 5 days left in the Marine Corps. Any of you folks out there that have been ta prison can understand why I'm so excited. It will have been like a 9 year prison sentence. Where people shoot at ya. It has...
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how was charlotte for new years?
i love the penguin.
i love the penguin.
New HorrorPops ROCKS!
Well, it's Christmas-motherfuckin-eve. Just another day on the calendar here in "Governmental Puppet Land". My pal kustom_keegan and I are gonna do the music thing and make some t-shirts and stuff. Probably get really drunk. Shoot at stuff...
I'm gonna break out some more photos and stuff tonight, so all you kids can see how we live out here. It's guaranteed ta make ya appreciate...
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I'm gonna break out some more photos and stuff tonight, so all you kids can see how we live out here. It's guaranteed ta make ya appreciate...
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As an iceback Canuck a tuk...the polar bear fur coat was what I was dreaming for but instead I got the beaver pelt mittens. The weather sucks ass...need to move to
Tampa Bay.
I had a really fun Christmas did the whole eat way to much fucking food thing, then the way to much beer thing...
I want to see what demented stuff comes from your mind
Tampa Bay.
I had a really fun Christmas did the whole eat way to much fucking food thing, then the way to much beer thing...

I want to see what demented stuff comes from your mind

Happy New Years

Hello, kiddies! Ya know, after the way my last couple of weeks has been going, the last thing I EVER expected was ta have a GOOD day. I got a phone call from my father tellin me that at 1030 this morning I became the proud uncle of a bouncin baby boy. Hehehe...I'm gonna corrupt the shit outta the little wane. That boy's gonna be...
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I suppose you are a nice guy if you are dropping her off at home, I'd make her take the bus.

Well, today turned out ta be better. I got some nice, hot soup in me, recovered from the weekend's stupidity....even made some good progress on my flash work. All in all, not an OVERWHELMING fucking disaster.
Got my buddy a subscription to SG today and a subscription to Varla for his Christmas gifts. So you poor bastards will have ta put up with TWO of...
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Got my buddy a subscription to SG today and a subscription to Varla for his Christmas gifts. So you poor bastards will have ta put up with TWO of...
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awwwww, thanks. am honored. it is indeed joyce's ulysses which tops my list of favorite books. he's the best; in english, anyway. if there were such a thing as joycean cheerleaders, i think i'd be one. plum-tree's plum-tree's pot-ted meat, without it a home is in-com-plete, GOooooooooooo bloom! *giggle* that is all. cheers and mrkgnao!
hell yeah man. i know a few kids in savannah that are good friends with sarah....
i go there about once every six months, so yeah. that would be bad ass to get some more work ther.e
i go there about once every six months, so yeah. that would be bad ass to get some more work ther.e
Well, well, well... Today's another day. Or at least that's what those asshole optimists say all the time. Fuck my head hurts...tied about 30 on last night...and thank GOD I woke up in my own bed, by my self. Unfortunately in ALL my own clothes, including shoes. Ah, well. My sheets needed their weekly washin anyway. Today I think I'm gonna take it easy...so no...
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Gotta work on some flash, (damn SG's got me slackin), so I won't be in the chats till at least midnight EST. I'l post ya some pics when I'm done so ya can see what I've been laborin on. (There's that CAM thing again...hehehe) Lates kids. FTW

of course i did!
i wonder if mine have ever been looked at LOL

Hey kiddies!
Well, band practise, if ya can CALL it that was a fuckin trainwreck. Note to all you aspiring musicians: Do not bring whiskey to practise. We were drunk in 30 minutes, Ryan did, in fact, fall off his stand up, and at some point we broke into "Inna gadda da Vita". Brrr...SCARY.
Well, we do likes ta have our fun. Just wish we...
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Well, band practise, if ya can CALL it that was a fuckin trainwreck. Note to all you aspiring musicians: Do not bring whiskey to practise. We were drunk in 30 minutes, Ryan did, in fact, fall off his stand up, and at some point we broke into "Inna gadda da Vita". Brrr...SCARY.
Well, we do likes ta have our fun. Just wish we...
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Wow... your pics were fucking entertaining. I have to say, the tattoo's are great.
My guy is in the Air Force so yes, I am basically in the military.

Well, fuck me standin'... I got nice and boozed up Friday night. Gonna try for a double-feature tonight, hopefully I'll end somewhere I recognise when I wake up. Got band practise, too...THAT always gets interesting...Ryan usually gets so drunk he falls off from climbing up his stand-up bass...hilarity ensues. Hope all you little deadites in cyber land have a fun and productive day.....I'm gonna go...
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oh but it was so much fun last night.

I missed you sweetie in chat.
I logged on and you logged off.
I will be back later tonight K.

I missed you sweetie in chat.

I logged on and you logged off.
I will be back later tonight K.

Figgered out how ta get this f*@#n' pic thingy ta work. *sigh* Why God, did ya make me so stupid?
Well, looks like Christmas is gonna be spent stuck here at lovely Camp Lejeune, NC. Y'know, there's a reason this place ain't on any of yer travel broshures. 8 1/2 years of this shit and 2 shootin' wars, and I get the proverbial "jelly of...
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Well, looks like Christmas is gonna be spent stuck here at lovely Camp Lejeune, NC. Y'know, there's a reason this place ain't on any of yer travel broshures. 8 1/2 years of this shit and 2 shootin' wars, and I get the proverbial "jelly of...
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Anyone out there thinking of joining the military as an honorable way to serve your country/earn your right to live here, whatever...DON'T FUCKIN DO IT! I just learned today that I will be spending the Christmas holidays stuck at Camp Lejeune with all the other heathen scum. So this makes, what, 3 years in a ROW I missed Christmas now? *sigh* And people wonder why...
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heh yeah//boot camp: x-mas and my birthday stuck in chicago, 1st underway: same as above, 3rd underway: will prob turn out to be the same as above but for now i may get it off...gotta love it..