Vegetarians who use scare tactics and misinformation to convert omnivores are like the peace activists of the 60's who used car bombs. WTF. My friend is lactose intolerant (as am i), and is having a rough time with her dietary needs. Her little sister spouts off about milk curdling in her stomach as motivation to swear off dairy, as if the distended abdomen and gas arent enough.
Really??!!!! Milk curds sitting in my intestines? What about the boogeyman in my bowel, and my lochness liver monster? Why does it have to be an evil or bad choice to eat meat and meat byproducts? Why can't it just be a choice, simply and clear?
They have a word for vegans in the animal kingdom: prey!
Any idea how much shit a butcher who takes soy in his coffee, has to take from his coworkers? and i might add it's actually quite good. I say you want simulated chicken instead of well, chicken, then that's your deal. Just don't be scowling at me when I eat a hamburger.
Oh and on the subject of vegans and vegetarian foods, anyone know any good Indian cookbooks? I have a thing for veggie somosas and chutney, but am having a hell of a time finding any authentic recipes.
Now thats it's October, and pumpkins are in season, I'm gonna try my hand at cooking a pumpkin. So if anyone has good recipes for that, send them on by.
PS The little sister mentioned above, used to come in to the butcher shop I worked in to buy bacon every once in awhile, as her dirty little secret. Thats my secret weapon, my edge, the smoked hog. The smell, the texture, the sizzle. Draws em in like a 10yr old boy to a Catholic priest.
Really??!!!! Milk curds sitting in my intestines? What about the boogeyman in my bowel, and my lochness liver monster? Why does it have to be an evil or bad choice to eat meat and meat byproducts? Why can't it just be a choice, simply and clear?
They have a word for vegans in the animal kingdom: prey!
Any idea how much shit a butcher who takes soy in his coffee, has to take from his coworkers? and i might add it's actually quite good. I say you want simulated chicken instead of well, chicken, then that's your deal. Just don't be scowling at me when I eat a hamburger.
Oh and on the subject of vegans and vegetarian foods, anyone know any good Indian cookbooks? I have a thing for veggie somosas and chutney, but am having a hell of a time finding any authentic recipes.
Now thats it's October, and pumpkins are in season, I'm gonna try my hand at cooking a pumpkin. So if anyone has good recipes for that, send them on by.
PS The little sister mentioned above, used to come in to the butcher shop I worked in to buy bacon every once in awhile, as her dirty little secret. Thats my secret weapon, my edge, the smoked hog. The smell, the texture, the sizzle. Draws em in like a 10yr old boy to a Catholic priest.

It's a cold world. Kill or be killed.