... but I'm still writing & singing my silly little songs. :)

I was a little bored last night, so recorded a song about zombies.... Enoy skull
The non functioning volume on my computer is really getting me down. I waned to hear this!
Ahh, that's a shame... Just imagine it's the best song of the undead you've ever heardbiggrin
I think I'm overdue my yearly blog. skull Hmmm... so what's changed in the last year? Not too much truth be told. Still in the same job (5 years now, crazy), still single, still playing guitar.

Oh, actually... I've started writing & playing some solo songs. That's been quite a big step for me from going from a guitarist in loud rock bands to getting up...
Read More
Another year on & I've got another mystery 3 month gift. smile
To the mystery person that bought me a 3 moth subscription renewal thank you biggrin you rock. To everyone else HI.

I just seen Kris Rowe from the Ataris do an acoustic set tonight. It was awesome. smile And I found out yesterday day that Jonah Matranga is coming back up this way in April too. So I'm really looking forward to that. biggrin
My band is in to the final 16 of the Trillians battle of the bands. eeek It's so cool.... So only 15 more bands to beat to get the 1000 prize. *fingers crossed*


*runs away*

This is where those movies make their money
It doesn't hurt, it's more like being thirsty
In lonely airport waves and drugged-up, dimlit raves
This is where those movies make their money.

Thanks for your comment on me and Saint's rejected set smile I'm glad you enjoyed it.
If you want to go back and write more than "I loved it!" we'd appreciate it! We are always looking for more detailed feedback.
The gig we played last night was amazing. Crud were fantastic, well worth checking out if you get the chance. miao!!
Hurray for playing gigs & cameraphones

heheh xxx