Another interesting weekend ahead of me. Hopefully I'll go to fred meyes, it's the most exciting event in my life, the grocery store. For some strange reason I get really involved in conversations with myself at the market, and sometimes I think i talk out loud. Needless to say I'm not very efficient at shopping, it's hard to be if you are wandering around laughing at your own jokes, arguing with myself about Transportation economics while fondling cheese. I wonder if my lips move when i talk to myself? No wonder i haven't gone out with a girl in three years. No one likes people who say "Twaat" over and over again in the Easter candy Isle without realizing it. I doubt i will ever finish school, i can't even get out of bed most of the time. i see in a my future a cozy space under a bridge, I'd fit right in.
More Blogs
Thursday Jan 15, 2009
Read More -
Friday Oct 31, 2008
I've been watching Riget without subtitles. -
Tuesday Aug 05, 2008
Ros Sereysothea is about the only thing that makes me happy. -
Monday Mar 31, 2008
NDR Is still funnier than Leno. -
Sunday Feb 17, 2008
I saw Keren Ann tonight. She's what I had hoped Charlotte Gainsbourg… -
Saturday Oct 13, 2007
I was a lot happier when the gypsie ladies asked me for cigarettes in… -
Sunday Oct 07, 2007
A history of Jars in Cornwall. -
Friday Aug 04, 2006
Pornographie -
Sunday Jul 17, 2005
"I think were all beginning to loose sight of the real issue here w… -
Saturday Sep 27, 2003
"Pam nad yw'r dyn yn siarad Cymraeg?"
Even more subversive than actually talking out loud is making facial expressions that correspond with your inner dialogue, while not saying anything. Do you do that, too?
Yes, I'm still gonna do glassblowing, it starts in august or september or something though.........
You should get into it.... I think it would just be interesting to have as a skill, hobby maybe?.....Or, i could take to the streets and sell my work out of a suitcase.......
I was just in Fred Meyers today....I don't think i want to go back....some crazy pervert was mumbling about female body parts in the candy aisle.........