Met a girl on one of those personals sites,we IMed, I bored her to death. I should not expect to find someone who is interested in me. I am wasting my time.
Not true! You are not boring. I like your writing and anybody that can write anything as hilarious as you have seems very interesting to me.
Those personal sites blow. Schleprock is having problems with them as well. I'm tired of meeting crazies over the internet and I think I will pull all of my ads today.
You seem like a good person, and that girl is just dumb. I suggest you get a couple of drinks and watch "Teen Girl Squad" on, lol.
Those personal sites blow. Schleprock is having problems with them as well. I'm tired of meeting crazies over the internet and I think I will pull all of my ads today.
You seem like a good person, and that girl is just dumb. I suggest you get a couple of drinks and watch "Teen Girl Squad" on, lol.
I miss our chats about urban development.
and your new nickname is one of my favorites of all time.
[Edited on Jun 13, 2003]