I looked so very cute. Whatever did happen to me!

He is the coolest person in the world!!!
Let's see. What is new in p-skank's world?
Really. Nothing of true interest, so I will bore you with a bunch of nonsense.
Boy do I miss my long hair. Just looking at my profile picture makes me wonder why I shaved my head again. I'm now letting it grow, but it is in that weird stage, where it's slightly covering my ears, but there are no real bangs to speak of, the back is just a mess and it just looks bad.
One of the many cool older black ladies at work said she wants to braid it and make me look gangsta. One day.
I need to get some pictures of my tattoos, piercings and brand for all of you to comment on.
My friend has a digital camera, so maybe sometime this week.
Sometimes it sucks to be me.
24 years old and I mostly hang out with 18-22 year olds.
Not that I really mind, but they are all mostly living off of their parents, they are still sassy little kids sometimes, and of course, for the last 6 years of my life, I have been the one in the fraternity to pick on.
Maybe it is because I don't get violent.
I only showed any sign of anger one night, but was pissed off that I left right after I got my ass tackled to the ground.
Anyways... I have fun with them, and it sucks that my current work schedule is 2:30pm-11pm, and I can only hang out with them late nights. I missed out on home run derby at Frick Park Field today.

Anyways.. I do have 2 years of undergraduate college left, so they are basically my core group of friends, but at times I would rather be elsewhere.
Hence why I would like to make some friends on here. I mean my group of guys are pretty different, but still, I need other friends. Plus especially after this past week of just hanging out with guys.. a few female friends (even if they are just friends) would be nice.

I hate living with my roommate. I need to get out of here ASAP. I'm losing out on things as the days go by.
I won't be able to sublet the place I want if things go past this next week, which means if I get out of my lease before August, I need a place to live/store my stuff.
I don't like how her boyfriend is here all the time, and how he is here even when she is at work or school.
Plus it generally sucks living with your ex. Hearing her and him laugh, or whatever. Not that I miss her, I actually despise her, but I just wish I had someone.
So I would like to speak to a magistrate soon. I signed a new lease in January for a year because I had no where to live for the summer or the next school year. It was close to work, bus ride to school if I go back, and pretty damn cheap.
Plus, my fraternity hadn't found a house yet.
So I signed, but come late February, they found a 10 bedroom house (4 apartments) and it is sort of close to being decided that my buddy Ryan and I will be living together in one of the smaller 2 bedroom apartments.
So a) I'm holding them up and b) if I get out before August who knows where I can live.
I haven't paid Aprils rent yet, which would come with a $50 late penalty, but it might get me evicted.
The problem is I do not know what that would entail. They had our parents sign the lease, so my dad signed. I think the landlords would go after me and my family through collection agencies, although if I am evicted, do I owe rent?
Hopefully I will have this figured out soon.
I have to figure out what's up with hockey for the summer.
I have a couple of teammates in mind, but I would like a full squad to keep the price down, plus we need to find a relaible goaltender.
Also, it all depends on when the games are. Seeing as how I work nights, until I can get a morning shift, they are out of the question.
2 summers ago, our games were on Sundays, so I have that hope.
So, I haven't contacted Shop 'N' Save in Indiana, PA about my W2 yet. Wow, I am in trouble.
I have the other 3, and I will be doing my taxes on Sunday, but I kinda need the third!
Does anyone here know that whole system? HELPPPPP!!!
I need to go see Employee Assistance at work. I just need some people to talk to, and apparently it is completely confidential, so maybe I can get alot of things off of my chest there.
Still no lady in sight. I don't know what to say. I don't want to goto a bar to meet girls, they are just drunk prissy bitches. Plus, I am pretty unique (definition: annoying, sporadic, erratic and eclectic).
Not too many girls like watching sports, or listening to rap, or switching over to heavy metal, or jazz. Some don't drink, some drink too much, some don't smoke weed, some do drugs I stay free from and don't want to be in a relationship with. sigh.
Still taking applications. No one has signed up yet, so the job is yours ladies.
I need to get my car fixed.
Hopefully it only needs a new battery and maybe some new battery cables. I then need to clean my car, because now that the weather is nice, it looks all derrrty!
Iso is having a little b-day party at the Clubhouse on Saturday. That used to be my stomping ground in high school (well not really, I was just as dorky then, so basically it was just the area I lived in). I would like to go, but I don't know. I hate going places alone. I want to go home and do my taxes on Sunday, so I wouldn't have to drive drunk, or at least drive far drunk, lol. Especially if I go the backroad to my dad's.
I need to clean off of my desk and get to a few financial/college matters.
I need to shave, need to do laundry, and need to keep reading Needful Things by Stephen King. Damn enjoyable novel so far.
Let's see... I have listened to two albums already typing this, and I am on my third now:
1. Dracula 2000 Soundtrack - (hed)pe, Disturbed, Endo, Flybanger, Half Cocked, Powerman 5000, Static-X, System of a Down, Taproot, Pantera, Saliva, Slayer, Monster Magnet, Linkin Park, and godhead feat. Marilyn Manson
2. The Art Of Drowning - A F(ire) I(nside)
3. 6 songs into Power Of The Dollar - 50 Cent's first album
I will probably fall asleep to Jazz on internet radio on iTunes.
Ok. I guess I will end this rant.
If you survived the onslaught of useless information, please comment on any of it!
me love.
you hate.
how can i change when i don't even know
where i am.
what if i don't want to change, or if i can.
something inside says i'll be this way forever,
yet everything on the outside is opposed.
i'm happy, yet i'm a hipocrit,
or i contradict myself more than anyone
or i feel strongly about too much to warrant being special
when i think i've failed, i can't be convinced otherwise.
I was in for alcohol poisoning