I tried taking acid while looking at internet porn and it was indescribably, gratuitously, unbelievable pleasurable. I had the realization that monogamy has limited success because beauty and desire are uncontrollable forces of creation that cannot be understood or owned. I want to try partner swapping cause the hott hipster problem is getting worse. And we can do drugs at the same time so it...
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social darwinism (ironically most often subscribed to by people who hate darwin) may conclude that 'if their arrows can't compete with your cannons, they ain't worth their sovereignty' but ignores the fact that their genes would probably save you from a shitload of diseases that you dont even know about yet. i imagine if hitler had lived to see his dream, nazism would have died...
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You scared the CRAP out of me when I went into the store tonight! Sorry I looked like rubbish- I just got out of a concert. =[
i'm really trying to get transfered down to that store... so put in a good word for me! Or if you think I'm a weirdo... don't. =D
i'm really trying to get transfered down to that store... so put in a good word for me! Or if you think I'm a weirdo... don't. =D
thanks for the love & support on the set.
i appreciate it!

last night i smoked a bowl, popped some xtc, bought 3 six packs and had a threesome. tried, rather...it wouldve been easier on sexstacy.
you dirty dirty whore
so theres this girl i met earlier this year who happens to be, overall, one of the most attractive people ive met since moving to portand. i was pretty sure she wasnt into me until a friend of hers spoke up at a party at my place a couple of nights ago. anyways, she broke up with a pretty serious boyfriend a couple of months...
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thanks a lot dorkus! i have come out of my drug-induced stupor long enough to stare at some hot sexy ladies and wanted to congradulate you on gettin laid! sounds like a hot night! so nice of you to help her out with her condition.
anyone i know? i want details!
hahaha.........................................hmm........i'm gonna go smoke a bowl.....
anyone i know? i want details!
hahaha.........................................hmm........i'm gonna go smoke a bowl.....

It's about time I fucking posted. Well, that was fun.
Until next time,
Until next time,
You better be worth it Portland, I'm leaving behind the best girl ever.
Well I visited PDX...you guys have absolutely no idea what you have. I'm still awe-struck. I'm moving there in January.
Well it appears that most of my favorite girls have resigned from the site and that a mysogynist is leading it. So I guess I won't renew next round since I don't agree with male supremacy or the wierd direction the site is taking. When Stormy's gone, guys, it's fuckin' over.
good luck romeo

allo fellow UCO student
I want to live in the fucking Sitka.
So I'm following up on my last post...it's just about time for me to tell my dad that I've been suspended from college and that I want to move to Portland. I have pretty much everything figured out and will visit first during the fall break so that maybe Kevin can come with me (since he misses the northwest more than a convicted child-molester misses...
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fugitives, not rejects. see? im getting dumber. i think its the air...
Pics from my camera phone!