Good Morning my friends 😇
let me tell you a story.
I did something that may sounds stupid and irrational but.. it actually is stupid and irrational 😂 I needed it though.
I booked a ticket to go to italy to see my boyfriend, my friends, my family and the see.
This year I cannot have vacations because we don‘t have enough people at my workplace so I cannot be away. This week we had two days off though and I just was SO sad that this was my FIRST YEAR EVER not going back home and not seeing the see at all, that I called my boss and bagged to give monday free so that I could have three days free at once and fly home. He is an angel and gave it to me!
So I booked 6 days in advance. I spent 200€. I have really long and difficult flights BUT I AM HAPPY!
I cannot wait to be there and to show you guys the beauty of my country!
ps. my parents don‘t even know that I am going! it‘s gonna be amazing!