Have you ever had a moment when you suddenly realize that a part of your-self has changed and you cant seem to put a finger on what is different. Or, for some reason, you no longer recognize a part of yourself?
I've been going 100% for three months now with very little time for introspection (I usually devote a significant amount of time to journal writing, art stuff, self therapizing, etc.). That, in addition to ceaseless knowledge absorption, limited social interaction, and a complete disconnect with the natural world, has changed a part of me somehow. Something about me is different; however, I havent the chance to think about what it is or who I am turning into.
I have a bloody nose that wont stop. I never get a bloody nose.
I've been going 100% for three months now with very little time for introspection (I usually devote a significant amount of time to journal writing, art stuff, self therapizing, etc.). That, in addition to ceaseless knowledge absorption, limited social interaction, and a complete disconnect with the natural world, has changed a part of me somehow. Something about me is different; however, I havent the chance to think about what it is or who I am turning into.
I have a bloody nose that wont stop. I never get a bloody nose.
pot eez goooood for yeeeew! kinda. depends, are you at all attached to your memory?
dude, i just read yr dating profile thing (i'm terribly bored), and i'm sorry to say, we're not right for one another. i think we should break up... it's not you, it's me.