So, SG Burlesque Boston last night. OH...MY GOD! An excellent time, the opening bands weren't really my style so I spent most of that time hanging out outside shootin the breeze with SGBoston Members. Big thanks go to Alkaholic23 for hooking me up with the ticket. he also supplied Tickets for Blondie and Siv which was much more than excellent of him. The pre-show dinner was cool, finally got to meet my new personal hero m0use much fun and conversation, and the cider was flowing. and of course we finally got to meet Amethystula and her posse. We were all down front for the entirety of the SG set. Which was mindblowing. espescially Pearl and her Hula Hoop. And Stormy spitting PBR at me. and the Finale in Chocolate was the best. I still have chocolate sauce in my ear I do believe. And to top it all off I even got to menace someone when he tried to charge the front and shoved me. Yeah, even on crutches I'm still fuckin scary. Thanks to eveyone who came out, although I didn't catch everyone's names so I won't try to list the people. Another great point of the Night was the Reappearance of Mr. Giles from the Oldschool Boston Goth Scene. He's lurking about here somewhere. Ah Well. he'll pop up.
gumbercules has pics of the aftermath up in his pics. go there and check em out. Unfortunately too much time on my feet sent me home early so I wasn't able to hang out too long after the show and meet 3 of my favorite SGs which I had been looking forward to doing. Oh, Well. next time around definately
gumbercules has pics of the aftermath up in his pics. go there and check em out. Unfortunately too much time on my feet sent me home early so I wasn't able to hang out too long after the show and meet 3 of my favorite SGs which I had been looking forward to doing. Oh, Well. next time around definately
It was awesome meeting you last night
... hopefully I'll see you at another party soon (me and NebelHex only live about an hour and a half away). Glad to meet you and have you as a new Sg friend.

Nice meeting you, you made me laugh, what was the name of that web site that you had mentioned when we were talking about sparing? I seem to have forgotten