So i know there's a few months left until my set hits member review, so in the meantime ya'll can totally head over to Instagram to follow in my shenanigans and maybe a few teasers at princess_jodestool, to hold you over until the time comes ;)


Oh, man, you are lovely. 😍

Sorry my loves, I was really sick last week and didn't have a chance to throw some bloody horror or kisses at you! I'm back and healthy and totally in love with you all :)

Still heartbroken after losing Wes Craven, I'm still in shock and saddened by his loss. He had a beautiful mind and his movies changed the lives for many of us...
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Glad you're feeling better :) I don't do well with horror movies >_< but I liked The Conjuring :D 
The Conjuring is a fantastic movie :)

Hello lovelies!!!

Do a little dance over to Netflix and make a little love to "Wyrmood: Road of the Dead"!!! I'm currently watching it for the second time, just today and I promise you, you will fall in love. I am so over zombies, yet I've been waiting to see this movie for a while now and let me just say the Aussies don't disappoint....
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*Wyrmwood 🙈 obviously didn't spell check

I had the pleasure of spending my weekend at ScareLA in Pasadena California this past weekend! If ya'll don't know about ScareLA it's a Halloween convention full of haunts, scares and tons of horror shenanigans to bring in the bloody season. There were tons of screenings, live shows, fantastic panels and all the haunt information you could imagine!

The highlight of my weekend was finally...
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This month is looking promising for us horror freaks of the world. With August being the official starting month of the ghoulish season, it proves to be full of plenty new horror flicks to check out! I'm amped.

Sinister 2 of course is coming late August, ready to see what Mr. Boogie is up to this time I wasn't very much impressed with the first...
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Halloween is by far my favourite holiday haha, I love horror films, so all the releases in the lead up to it make me happy haha

Hi everyone!!!! I guess I should get some more blog posts up on here :)

Can I just rant for a few mins about one of my favorite movies on Netflix right now…the movie is called You’re Next, and from its constant and unique scenes of blood and violence, to the bursts of upbeat music and campy horror touches, it stole my heart warmed my...
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