So I wake up this morning with a slight scratch in my throat. All day it gets progressively worse and the sneezing starts. Looks like I've caught my annual cold.
Oh well, gets me a day off work tomorrow.
Also got a response back from GoatsGoToHell that I'm invited up to a small gamers get together on the 21st. This was the whole reason I signed up for this site (besides the hot naked chicks of course); to get out of my hole in the ground and meet people. I admit I'm a bit of a socially inept geek, but I'm trying to get out there more now!
So thanks to Goat for posting the event in the Gamers forum!

Also got a response back from GoatsGoToHell that I'm invited up to a small gamers get together on the 21st. This was the whole reason I signed up for this site (besides the hot naked chicks of course); to get out of my hole in the ground and meet people. I admit I'm a bit of a socially inept geek, but I'm trying to get out there more now!

Yeah, it's still running actually. So I'll have all the charecters unlocked in no time.
Thanks for coming, we'll have to hang out again sometime. Sorry I got so trashed, usually I don't vanish like that, but between drinking too much and the food I made earlier I was out for the count.