Its time for a dumb situation of the day update , yet again very real occurrences in my very odd little life.
So i went to the cash and carry this morning to buy some drinks , but realized it wasn't open until around 10am and it was only 9.35 when i got there . It wasn't worth going back to the shop so i thought id go and get my dirty ass car clean at a car wash to fill in the time.
After the third shut car wash i had this conversation with the manager of a shell garage .
Me : Is the car wash working ?
Gimp : No hasn't been all week , the brushes are frozen stiff
Me : and there's no way to fix that .
Gimp: no not really
Me : so as we sit here today wallowing in smugness for being so smart as to discover the pattern of human life , and go on to clone animals and eventually human beings , send spaceships to mars , fly planes faster than the speed of sound but still get perplexed when it comes round to building a car wash that will still work in 50% of the worlds climate.
Gimp : its the cold that does it see , you cant stop that now can you .
Me : maybe a heating device of some sort , even the cave men were bright enough to work that out.
Gimp : well i don't think the cave men had cars now did they ?
Me : so what your saying is that the progression of the internal combustion engine has in some way halted or regressed the development of our theories in thermodynamics .
Gimp : i don't know what you just said but i think it best you leave .
On returning to the cash and carry at 10.00 sharp i was greeted by a group of 100+ eager shoppers waiting in line to get in , at 10.02 am we finally got in i had this conversation with the guy on the door .
Me : any reason you don't open until 10
Gimp No 2: don't think there is much call for it sir
i need say no more than that.
So i went to the cash and carry this morning to buy some drinks , but realized it wasn't open until around 10am and it was only 9.35 when i got there . It wasn't worth going back to the shop so i thought id go and get my dirty ass car clean at a car wash to fill in the time.
After the third shut car wash i had this conversation with the manager of a shell garage .
Me : Is the car wash working ?
Gimp : No hasn't been all week , the brushes are frozen stiff
Me : and there's no way to fix that .
Gimp: no not really
Me : so as we sit here today wallowing in smugness for being so smart as to discover the pattern of human life , and go on to clone animals and eventually human beings , send spaceships to mars , fly planes faster than the speed of sound but still get perplexed when it comes round to building a car wash that will still work in 50% of the worlds climate.
Gimp : its the cold that does it see , you cant stop that now can you .
Me : maybe a heating device of some sort , even the cave men were bright enough to work that out.
Gimp : well i don't think the cave men had cars now did they ?
Me : so what your saying is that the progression of the internal combustion engine has in some way halted or regressed the development of our theories in thermodynamics .
Gimp : i don't know what you just said but i think it best you leave .
On returning to the cash and carry at 10.00 sharp i was greeted by a group of 100+ eager shoppers waiting in line to get in , at 10.02 am we finally got in i had this conversation with the guy on the door .
Me : any reason you don't open until 10
Gimp No 2: don't think there is much call for it sir
i need say no more than that.

congrats on the new group image!

You bastard...