still feelin pretty lowsy. BLEHHH! i am better though. Still alot of head congestion, stuffyness. I went to the dr. today and found out my insurance is like thecrappiest insurance in the world. My husband works his ass off and they slap him in the face with shitty benifits. I have always had insurance problems. people need insurance, medical care is so expensive..dr's fuckin love to take peoples m,oney, but so few people can atually afford the care. It sadens me to think about how many people die because thgey cannot afford to go to the dr. How many people suffer with pain because they dont have money. Even with insurance dr bills are so high. I wish our government would do something about it...but then again they dont give a fuck either. It is always "SHOW ME THE MONEY"! Damn the man! I am gonna stop bitchin now! I hope veryone has a great day! LOVE!!!!!! XOXOXOXO

I am so screwed when it comes to many things, and it is very fricken hard to understand how people can just disregard my feelings and well being so easily.
Don't get ne started on healthcare and insurance. What a nightmare